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New Chester Open Floor Poetry Night!!!!!

Hi All,
New open floor poetry night in Chester!
The details are- "The Cellar Door", 7.30pm every 1st Monday of the month @ The Bear and Billett Pub on Lower Bridge Street, Chester. (top floor).
However in December it is held on 2nd December due to bookings at the venue.
Look Forward to seeing you there!
Please spread the word !
Take care.
Sun, 29 Nov 2009 06:55 pm
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The first Monday is very popular day for poetry events, that makes three within a 25 mile radius.

Good luck with it, I hope it goes well for you. Unfortunately, I run my own on the first monday so will be unable to come for the moment.
Sun, 29 Nov 2009 07:09 pm
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Thanks for that Chris, but I must say I have not run into major problems clashing with the Egg Cafe gig on the first mondays.

I've been told by some that they will not come because they are loyal to the Egg. So obviously dates do matter to some.

My hope is that your event does just as well as the River View and the Egg. Good Luck
Tue, 1 Dec 2009 03:01 pm
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