The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 38 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Martin Nelson

Updated: Fri, 5 Feb 2010 04:41 pm

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Okay time for a new bio, because the old one was pants.... I am Martin, I write and perform poetry and monologues. Hmmm, that's a little to short so let's flesh it out hey? I've been writing since school, I've been published in a few places (not that it's important). I reside in Wirral...where we have an abundance of Poetry events! I run which is a website dedicated to all genres of writing. I'm on WriteOutLoud because I like arguing/debating/speaking loudly about various aspects of poetry and performance. That's all you are getting for now....I'll try to post some blogs on here soon....ttfn


Power They grasp, They grab, They scramble, They scurry. The more they have, The more they want, The closer they are, The closer they want to be. They are the servants of the people, Just slaves to their own desire, Fighting for what is right, But the wrong person's definition. The people they serve, The very real concerns, The very hard working folk, The least of their worries. The people could stand up, The people could be counted, The same people who put them there, These people need someone new. Because Ultimately, Power seduces, Power corrupts, Power drowns, Power Wains ----------------------------------------------- The Silent Guardian A silent guardian stands, Watching time pass, Counting seconds away, People mill below him, Ceaseless chaos surrounds him. People come, people go, The guardian watches, Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Years, Many things change. The waterfall below, The fountain ahead, The buildings behind, Unchanged since the first day they stood. Even as one things changes, Even as one thing stays the same, The guardian watches, Ever vigilant, Time ticks on by, The guardian leaves. Years later he returns, The chaos of the people, The peaceful waterfall, The noble buildings, All things are slightly different, They have yielded to time, One thing is constant, Time still ticks, He still watches. ---------------------------------------------- Pandora’s Box Despair, Death, Disease, Anger, Agony, Anguish, Malice, Misdemeanour, Guilt and Gluttony, All are released. Famine and War, Murder and Theft, Evil incarnate, Poured out on the Earth. Hope and Honour, Comes for the ride, Just pipe dreams? Maybe a human flaw? Good and Evil, Dark and Light, Life and Death, Can they stand alone? Or must they co-exist? Good without Evil, Evil without Good, Neither can happen, So is hope a pipe dream? We must believe, Believe in hope, Without hope, the is no life, Without hope, there is no death, Without these we cannot exist. -------------------------------------------------------

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Audio entries by Martin Nelson

Powerful Politics (02/05/2009)

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Fri 11th Dec 2009 09:16

Thanks for your comment Martin.

Riverview is a very pleasant evening and you have attracted a good variety of talent. Congratulations. May 2010 see continuing success and growth.

Well done too on producing 'Wirral's Winter Words'. A very nice book and a great achievement.

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Ann Foxglove

Fri 11th Dec 2009 06:35

Hi Martin - thank you for reading my poem. I appreciate comments like this as I have not been writing very long, so try to take these on board. AND I have never read in public - yet! Hope to, although I live in the west country and there's not much that I've found, esp as I have NO CAR. Actually, when I read this poem out loud (to me and my cat) I think it sounds OK. The repetition (lost glove) which someone else commented on was to try and emphasise the presence of a mute insignificant object that just keeps somehow calling you back to pay it some attantion. Maybe it doesn't want to be a lost glove. Maybe one day I'll venture oop north and read it to you! ;-) Or are you in Wales?

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Tommy Carroll

Sun 6th Dec 2009 01:03

er..........use slate to scrawl on 'tpavement!

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Louise Fazackerley

Fri 5th Jun 2009 20:37

hey martin. saw you at the slam at the wirral. i have to be honest- political poetry is not to my particular taste- however i wanted to say that you have all the makings of a great performance poet- presence and a nice style about you. everyone fluffs their lines now and again- next time eh? i'm considering putting something on for the 25s and under- to help develop our up-and-coming poets. are you interested?

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