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Tudor House 10th Sept 2009

Well I wasn't there, but according to this space, one of several things happened.
a. Nothing happened
b. Their was a pottery night, but it was so shit that no one can be arsed reviewing it.
d. Where is c?
c. Here I am. Sorry I'm late.
Seriously though poety types, if you remember ten months ago, there were only about 10 potteryists performing at the Tudor, and you were all quite happy to review it as shite. Then it became big ( not that I can say much, I only perform here) and you applauded that.
So why rest on your laurels? To keep a pottery night going it needs a review, even if you fib about its delightfulness.
Maybe it should be banana upon the comperist to write the review.
I meant to say encumbent upon, but had a strange urge to write banana.
So come on chaps n chapesses, get your arses in gear. x
Tue, 15 Sep 2009 10:56 am
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DG made a good job of compering, his theme for the night being to take the piss out of an education system that allows the masses to score As and A stars. As he rightly pointed out, one day these students might be operating on us - a worrying thought but quite what it had to do with poetry, I've no idea.
The night was a bit of a tame one, possibly cos you weren't there Baz but also because a lot of regulars had deserted us for the Green Room in Manchester.
Highlights of the night were Darren Thomas being heckled and forgetting his poem and, and, and....such a memorable night...
Tue, 15 Sep 2009 12:34 pm
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darren thomas

It was 'B'.

( B ^ {-)
Tue, 15 Sep 2009 03:25 pm
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Thawat? Don't do yourself down Darren (note the fine alliteration in there). I thought your piece was very amusing. Other amusing pieces that stood out - Dave Bradley's poem on having 'No Pankies' and Peter Crompton's poem about an all night party that wrecked his house. Just such a shame there wasn't a better crowd to appreciate you all. What have I learnt from the experience? I need to finish off my poems better before trying to perform them (mine was hot off the press so a bit rough in places). Could also do with brushing up on my Russian...
Tue, 15 Sep 2009 03:48 pm
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So which nutter moved the manchester night to coincide with the
tudor night? Very silly
Wed, 16 Sep 2009 11:34 am
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