The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Aaron Murdoch

Updated: Tue, 3 Oct 2023 11:04 pm

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Well! 2023 it's all gone complete rejection biographies are never sert in stone Things have changed. 2021 went on a Writing On The Wall course. Now stuff's changed. Go to YouTube. Search for channel "Stygosi". No special effects. No trickery. Just Poetry. 2023 not uploaded anything in ages In a single take. I don't think I've posted in here since 2020. A lot has been written since. 2023 that I've finally got around to putting online seeing as the mags gag.

Hi! Hello and that

How Could A Waterboard Detect Shame? Who's getting really turned on About things which didn't happen Prove the witness fake and heresy Only thing could left for scraping Off into brittle chunks that crumble The moment forced to breathe out For that air not just assured constant But mental functions keep in touch with lungful No shelter to declare, seize or improvised Exposed around dirt and from all sides Up left right down breeze-less temperature On a ground never learnt how to scream Water containers same as home Somewhere make interest person King What payment actually kept silent As prefer heartbreaking request spoke Although more of a scream if detecting How for a dried mouth's higher pitching Not so cool holding container for so long Surely heavy and tired fingers clinging on Makes best standing to lighten such load To some lips in a cup to make kind A smile beneath the sunglass creeping stare No final arguments just intention declared Told far stronger than physically appear With one hand unbutton violently shirt Revealed it fitting how bought down to knees Now it's an order look up to skies There was only two life forms But a rag wrapped around Which continued pulling never satisfied It enclosed the victim's helpless cries And the water pouring mouth On the scorching of the ground How liquid wishes for heart To burn out raining down The expenses for tailoring Take most of cash prizes The rag was ripped from head And gasping in returning to Sun From teeth sick liquid balanced Now can outstretch arms Driven home in silence as not the one Who for things which didn't happen Get really turned on. 2023 last thing written September 17th Who Can Go Up The Stairs The Quietest? The staircase! Not that you've missed the steps Remember that lie told yourself How could walk silently up the stairs Without trained intelligence knowing spots It's physical structure to withstand creaks On the board and how many games lost Just casual in boots It wasn't the breath had gotten long All focus on steps time creeping What personal records distorted For glory of the never interested Just use you for jokes and thinking Somebody is more worthless than evolved The staircase not just the everywhere Functioning steps used to get the platform Or building to rest in the light Whilst others pass and disappear to own normal The staircase with it's joke away And looked back up to itself and then outwards Treat steps along in tactical A physical alarm your own bones That creak alerting try sending warning Back down time's echo to warn of the walking Detected, may as well climb to be captured And that child slowly climbing staircase! The signal in an unknown language! Goes so fast even their concentration Filled in the blanks to more resemble encouragement Thrown back down the staircase bound Able to see tidal futures and powers The staircase heard the left and right The hard breath made the children Think stairs can be climbed in silence.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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