The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 35 days, 20 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Abigail corriveau

Updated: Wed, 5 Jul 2017 06:30 pm

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15 turning 16 in a few weeks In a shitty place in life right now My life is very boring busy and I sucks at poetry but I try


Bravery People have a big misconception when I comes to bravery. In one of my favorite TV shows a brother said to his sister "you are really brave you know that" and she replied with "then why am I so scared...all the time" and that is the misconception...just because you have a fear does not mean you are not brave and just because you have no fears does not make you brave...what makes you brave is being scared of doing something but doing it anyways. Even if you don't come out of it with a gigantic smile and a dry face you are still brave no matter what anyone say or what they think, you are brave. If you have depression and anxiety and you got out of bed and went to school or work or even if you stayed home you are still very brave for doing it. I myself have fallen under this misconception a couple of times but I keep getting reminded that just because I don't feel brave does not mean I'm not brave, if you were to ask me right now to climb to the top of the Empire state building I wouldn't want to do it but I will still try but even if I didn't make it to the top I would still know that I was brave to try. But on the other hand I would still feel like I should have not let my fear take over, and that is a very human thing to think. But the truth is it is also a very human thing to stop doing something when you get to scared because the human mind can only handle so much before it shuts down so next time you stop yourself because you are getting to scared just know that it is because you are protecting your mind.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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