The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

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Ali Taha Alnobani

Updated: Sat, 11 Apr 2020 10:45 pm

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Name: Ali Taha Alnobani, poet, writer and civil society activist. A member of Jordan writers society Date and place of birth: Jarash , 1968 • Qualifications: * BA in Arabic Language and Arabic Literature from Yarmouk University in 1995. * Community College Diploma in Accounting from Jarash College in1988. • Experiences: * Project Manager of "Jerash and its surroundings project for collecting the spoken folklore ", which was carried out by Jarash literary forum in Jarash Governorate in 2001. * President of the Preparatory Committee for the "People's Poetry Week", which was carried out by Jarash Literary Forum in 2001. * Member of the Team for Collecting of food Heritage in the governorates of Jarash and Ajloun, carried out by the National Bank of Jordan. * Accountant in the public sector for 19 years. *A participant in Harm Reduction seminars held by FDIS. - Jerash. *A participant in the Harm Reduction 2010, the 21st International conference organized by the International Harm Reduction Association that took place in Liverpool, England from 25 – 29 April 2010. • Languages: * Arabic / Native. * A good command in English. • * Literary publications: * "The last Funeral of Hammurabi" poetry, Dar Qudsya for Publication and Distribution, Irbid in 1993. * The Return of October, poetry, with the support of the Ministry of Culture, Canaan Press, Irbid, in 1997. * The Road and The Tales, poetry, with support of Amman Greater Municipality, Dar Al-Karmel for Publication and Distribution, Amman, in 2001. • Yellow Circles Collectors, short stories, with the support of the Ministry of Culture, Dar Azmenah for publication and distribution, Amman, 2004. • An Other Street , with the support of the Ministry of Culture, poetry, published by Dar Ward for Publication and Distribution, Amman, 2009. • Literary Participations: * Jerash Festival XVI in 1997. (Poetry readings) * Jerash Festival XVII in 1998. (Short story readings) * Jordanian- Egyptian Brotherhood Festival, for culture and creativity in 1998. (Short story readings) * Amman Club first cultural Festival in 2002. (Poetry readings) * Jerash Festival in 2007. (Poetry readings) Many contributions and participations in festivals, theater and so on. • Adjudication: * Member of the adjudication committee of the literary competition organized by the Department of Culture, Jarash in 1997, included (poetry, story, journalism, Thought). * Participated in the adjudication of the Youth Innovation Competition held by the Ministry of Culture in 2001 in the field of poetry. • Awards: * Shields and certificates of appreciation. * Shield of Creativity from Jerash Literary Forum 2003. * Certificate of Appreciation from the Jerash Festival XVI of Culture and the arts. * Certificate of Appreciation from the Jerash Festival XVII of Culture and the arts. * Training Course in Human Rights by Arab Organization for Human Rights in Jordan. * A certificate of appreciation and participation of the Jordanian, Egyptian brotherhood Festival of culture and creativity. Contact me PO BOX 208, Jarash-Jordan, PC 26111 Telephone:0096226354171 FAX : 0096226354171 Mobile:00962777849083 E-mail:


The butterfly and the iron bars By: Ali Taha Alnobani When I left my childhood there, near the colored stones and shining glasses A nice butterfly came with me and a spider fell upon my dream The butterfly flew over the wonderful fields while the spider built her black home in front of my eyes I tried to follow my mosaic dream, but cobweb became iron bars *** When your warm hand shocked me I felt my strength So, I tried to have a new chance The road was foggy But everything was moving And the iron bar split me I saw my face with tears on my butterfly wings Yellow: glow of beginning Red: my remarkable dream Black: cobweb, bars, and killers Blue: the vast ocean and my cell *** I love you What does that mean? When the train takes his way speedily What can I do with the distance? What can a sexy moment do with the big battle and a red river full of cries? *** Forgive me my butterfly I stared Longley far away The meta show was unlimited I couldn’t keep my words I stared at your nice colors until I lost my story *** Now I'm here My angel became a point in the narrow angles Colors ended the festival when my strength appeared With my tragedy Can we have a new start? Can we end the maze? *** My city is like a mad volcano Faces had the same canned smiles And colors became very dry like a long disastrous day The man with no face cried at me "Who are you?" I can't remember, But a wide look across the triangle faces asked me to say something I'm a mirror image of my butterfly I'm digging for a true moment of warm touch and wild love "Who are you?" cried the man again I'm the friend of beauty who lost his white idea Who am I? I can't remember --------------- My one day friend, Mark To Liverpool By: Ali Taha Alnobani On Vernon street Off Dale street I sat near the sidewalk At the edge Like a broken bridge People were passing With their robot walking Sea gulls felt my pain Also did the rain And my one day friend Mark Who heard the voice of gulls in my heart And my desire to start His friendly eyes Were shining Like a rainy day sunrise I loved the city The buildings, the streets The people when they say: Are you okay And the great mysterious river Which says: I'll stay forever *** "I'm from London, I recognized you…?" Said Mark Me too The old woman in the park Saw wonder in my eyes And my crutches' tries To stand But I was shy to tell her That pretty belles have stolen my heart *** "London is more beautiful than Liverpool" Said Mark If our world was broken Who would take our love? If the birds flew away Who would fly like a dove? Please tell me Mark If I understood life at the end If I became a sea gull And found my trend But peace seems far away Despite our great love *** On Vernon street Off Dale street I remembered the man who thinks That he owns the truth He had a knife instead of tooth He tried to teach me to hate But he was too late My heart was upon the planet And dwelt in the world of love *** My one day friend Mark Went away Waving by hand The dusk was drinking the day A bird passed through the clouds Like a ray How many streets around the world Have a sad man like me Sits on the sidewalk At the edge Like a broken bridge Thinks of truth and peace And longing to have love in Liverpool ***

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Audio entries by Ali Taha Alnobani

The Gipsy Clouds (06/03/2013)

My one day friend, Mark (06/03/2013)

The Bride of Necklace of Tales (06/03/2013)

The Gate (06/03/2013)

I'm to leave now (06/03/2013)

The Strawberry woman (06/03/2013)

Fusion (05/03/2013)

Rifle and Violin (05/03/2013)

Sofia's Masterpiece Story (05/03/2013)

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Ali Taha Alnobani

Tue 5th Mar 2013 11:48

I express my respect to Write Out Loud

<Deleted User> (7075)

Thu 2nd Dec 2010 17:11

Hi There, A warm welcome to Write out loud. I hope you enjoy the site, Winston (Admin)

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