The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Bill Lythgoe

Updated: Mon, 4 Feb 2019 07:41 pm

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I have been writing poetry seriously for about 7 years. Here is my CV: Writing Magazine: 3 first prizes, 2 second prizes, shortlisted 10 times, published 5 times. The Page is Printed: first prize Wax Poetry and Art (Canada) second prize Fire River Poets: first prize, published on their website Sentinel Literary Quarterly: second prize, publication Grist Chapbook competition: shortlisted Wakefield Red Shed: second prize Deddington Festival competition: shortlisted Nottingham Poetry Society competition: merit prize Penfro Open Poetry: commended. Kingston Libraries competition: 3rd prize Creative Writing Ink Prizewinner Torriano Poetry: highly commended Also published by Earlyworks Press, Strong Verse, Gordon Square Review (Cleveland, Ohio), Forty20 (yeah, the rugby league magazine!), Southport Fringe Poetry See more at Most of these will appear if you google Bill Lythgoe poems


Maybe Descartes Got It Wrong I am therefore I think. I awake therefore I stop dreaming. I have eyes therefore I see. I itch therefore I scratch. God does not exist therefore I don’t believe in her. I am a law-abiding citizen who likes to relax therefore I drink alcohol occasionally to excess, whatever that might mean. I am a senior citizen therefore I remember events that never occurred. I am a rational being therefore I notice that the world is run by madmen. I sometimes have doubts about my own sanity therefore I have never consulted a psychiatrist. I am a poet therefore I am aware of the relevance of red wheelbarrows. I am alive therefore I shall witness the dying of the light. Bargain Basement I stand and wait outside the gates of hell. A sign suggests they might not let me in: NO ACCESS FOR UNLICENSED PERSONNEL. A female demon’s finger strokes my chin. She licks her lips, “How may I help you, please?” “Er, well, I’ve come down here to sell my soul.” She says, “I need to list our USPs: our clients’ satisfaction is our goal. We follow health and safety guidelines here, we’re registered abroad – no tax to pay. Our special offer: sign up for a year and you’ll be Poet Laureate for a day.” “Sounds good,” I say, “but I’ve heard better from your rivals at” Where Are They Now? Caligula, Pontius Pilate, King Herod, Tony Blair. Where did they go? Nero, Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, Tony Blair. Where could they be? Could they see beyond life, beyond death? Macbeth, Tamerlane, Vlad the Impaler, Tony Blair. Where have they gone? King John, Rodrigo Borgia, Ivan the Terrible, Tony Blair. Where can they go? Franco, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Tony Blair. Where will they stay? Pinochet, Idi Amin, Saddam Hussein, Kim Jong-il. Will God forgive them? Maybe not. Pol Pot, Khomeini, Chairman Mao, Tony Blair. Where are they now?

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Patricio LG

Mon 2nd Nov 2015 15:01

Lol serious undertone mind are a very good poet

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