The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

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Black Jezus

Updated: Sun, 17 May 2020 08:21 pm

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Media art & Apparel textile: Revelationary poetry the voice of the Blacksoul. Life is about progression life a Grind never surrender.


The reality of what's real/ now days not too many real/ not to many right/ everybody just living they life/im realizing the reality of what's real/ im just dancing around my truth square//playing truth of dare/ realizing love don't live here/malice intent as the devils eyes gleen/paw prints the ? as they laid down they dirty traps/ CI's and wire taps/ the devils Robert green/plots and seems/deception deguised as love/reality of what real/ love never Iived in there hearts from the very start/bad blood/ wicked energy/ must been the same betayal the reason why my big homie died/ i could feel the pain in his eyes/ when he realize they was nothing but devils in disguised/ same betrayal I survived/ felt like I died/ but I was revived/ only by Gods graces/ I survived/no weapon shall prosper against me/pacing back and forth and my dark cell/ having one on one with the most high/ showing gratitude/ for all the time he protected me from the hated deguised as love. I'm realizing the reality of what's real/ God is real. Bee-Jezus

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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