The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 46 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.


Noris Roberts is a Venezuelan lawyer, poet, and writer. Additionally, I have been painting since I was a child and studied fashion design. I have been published in a multitude of literary magazines, poetry anthologies, and some of my articles have appeared in newspapers and online magazines in Italy, Belgium, Argentina, Croatia, and other countries. I have published eight poetry collections, the most recent being Embossed Words. They can be read online for free ( My poems and articles have been translated into English, French, Italian, Romanian, and Arabic. I have my own website: "Poemas y Más" ("Poems and More"). I also have a YouTube channel ( where my poems are read or sung by people from many countries and in various languages. Named Ambassador of Peace by the Cercle Universel de la Paix, representing Venezuela; I received the Naji Naaman Literary Prize and was appointed an Honorary Member of the Maison Naaman pour la Culture; Consul of the Association of Writers and Artists of the Orbe "ASEALDO" and Honorary Member of the Latin American Association of Poets "ASOLAPO”..

You can read for free and enjoy

The Skins of My Words Silence Over Silence Poetry Celebration Among Vowels & Consonants When words are spoken they can fly away and disappear in thin air, but when they are written down they are forever embossed. Cuando las palabras se dicen pueden volar y desaparecer en el aire, pero cuando se escriben quedan grabadas para siempre en relieve.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Profile image Marianne Daniels

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Tue 28th Jan 2025 14:37

Thanks for the like, really enjoy your work.

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Susan Mullan

Sun 14th Sep 2014 14:45

I was just introduced to your poetry through "Into the Bardo". Wow! You are an amazing person, my sorrows were uplifted simply by your words. When one is struggling with the pain and suffering from a deep injustice your words match those feelings and brought me comfort!

May you be blessed to continue your good work and please keep informed when there is any way that we can help!
I am struggling to make a connection myself between injustice and hope right now, so I am looking forward to your new project.

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Marianne Louise Daniels

Fri 14th Sep 2012 09:46

Hello Noris,

I have been reading your poetry and I am hooked! They are charged and breathtaking, beautiful and defiant.

"when you sentenced your goodbye

without consulting God" love this.

Thank you for sharing


<Deleted User> (6895)

Tue 17th Jul 2012 23:57

wow! thank you so much Noris
for such beautiful comments
that you put on our profile page.

We will never forget them
or all the fantastic efforts you put in
to help those less fortunate.

The world needs more people like you.
We hope you continue reaching all your goals
and that whoever is or becomes closely loved
by you will be so so lucky.

Your inspiration
means a great deal to us both.

The greatest of thanks Noris.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Noris Roberts

Tue 17th Jul 2012 02:48

Thank you Patricia, Stefan and Ann for your welcome and very happy that you enjoyed my website.

<Deleted User> (6895)

Mon 13th Feb 2012 20:41

Welcome to WOL Noris.
what a wonderful biography!
well done indeed for donations to the poor kids.

Our very best regards to you.xx

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Ann Foxglove

Sun 12th Feb 2012 10:32

Hi Noris - welcome to WOL. I enjoyed taking a look at your website. Peace, love and poetry - seems like a good combination to me! I hope you will enjoy being a part of WOL.

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