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Chinwendu C.E Rays

Updated: Mon, 21 Sep 2020 12:22 am

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A Nigerian author, poet, playwrighter, novelist, oractor, political aspirant and a teacher.


The wish of a king Preface The wish of a king is a novel written by Chinwendu Chinonyerem Emmanuel. It's very interesting and captivating. This novel is a must read for every lover of books. Chinwendu Chinonyerem Emmanuel (ANA Abia State member) Dedication Dedicated to Almighty God All Rights Reserved No part of this publication should reproduced, reprinted or stored in any retrieval system without a prior permission from the author. •••• Chapter 1 Once upon a time, there was a village called Akpa. The people from that village likes farming because they inherited it from their fore-fathers. They can harvest yams, cocoyams, maize, cassava etc and the children from the village likes farming so much. That was the only available work since they can't read and write. Then, in that village, there was a boy called Kalu Obioma. He was an orphan, he had no father nor mother. All his siblings were killed by their father's friend called Okoro. Kalu's father was a king who ruled his kingdom with peace and in accordance with the law. One day, there arouse some misunderstanding between Mazi Ikora Ekpeni and Mazi Udokanma over a land dispute and the matter was brought to the king's palace for settlement. After the settlement of the land, Mazi Ikora Ekpeni won the case and Mazi Udokanma became angry. Mazi Udokanma being the king's younger brother became very angry and ashamed of himself which prompted him of visiting a medicine man for charm. The medicine man gave him the charm and instructed him on how to apply it on his elder brother the king to die. After some days, when the king ate the poisoned food which his younger brother's hand is in it and die. After some months, the king was buried and Mazi Udokanma took over the throne and finally, hunger took over the village, people began to die out of hunger. •••• Chapter 2 As this things were going on, one man named "My Desire is to excel" came to the village and saw how people where dying because of hunger and was not happy. He decided to meet the king on the matter. After some weeks, he visited the king saying "My king, may you live long". After greeting, the man tabled down his intentions why he visited him. Unfortunately, the king became angry and faced the man saying "how dare you open your mouth so wide to talk to me on the issue that does not matters to you". My king, said the man 'in peace I come and in peace i go' please I don't like the way your community is suffering from hunger to what else I can't call it. When your elder brother was ruling, suffering like this didn't arise and that, you should take corrections. The man left, the king became furious and angry which he ordered his guards to go after the man and bring him back. The guards obeyed, they brought back "my desire is to excel" and put him in prison where he will stay and gnash his teeth. •••• Chapter 3 When "my desire" was in the prison, the king ordered that he should not be given anything either food or water so that he will how to respect. One day, he was brought out according to the order of the king and was warned not to speak to the king in such manner. The guards took him away. One of the guards called Ihearochi was the person who felt pity on the innocent man was busy suppling him foods and drinks right in the jail and he was caught by his fellow guard who went and reported it to the king. Ihearochi was beating, flogged and the same time tortured and last was banished from the village. Ihearochi was the chief body guard to the king and a great fighter to the community at large. An this kept the king unhappy for his act. •••• Chapter 4 When Ihearochi, the banished guard was out from the palace, the king became afraid because he was his chief fighter. The king was not at rest, everyday, he's thinking about his foolish act. Whenever he's alone at the throne room, he began to think about Ihearochi. The community pressed him so much because of the character he performed by jailing "my desire" for years. The king called a meeting and the cabinet members came and began to table the problem one after the order. After discussion, an elder stood up and said, we miss your elder brother so much because he ruled with equity, peace and co-operative efforts. After everything, the king decided to change for good and rule with equity and peace. THE END...

Media Poet

A published Nigerian Writer

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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