The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Chris Jam

Updated: Thu, 14 Feb 2013 07:14 pm

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I am a performance poet, DJ and radio presenter originally from London I came to Manchester in 1986 at the height of the summer of love and along with Tomlyn Mckinley formed JaMMc's......a sound system with a distinctive lyrical style. In 1994 with Segun Lee French, and the backing of Green Room Director Garfield Allen we created Speakeasy - - an open mic night for spoken word artists and lyricists of all forms. Speakeasy has run for over ten years and nurtured many of the performance poets thrilling audiences and delivering workshops in Manchester and has become an essential component of the ManCuniVerseS extremely vibrant spoken word circuit. Working with Speakeasy and a diverse range of international and national guest artists allowed me to develop my own unique style. Four years ago myself, Guy Perry from Xaverian 6th form college and Shirley May an original speakeasy member and co-founder of Manchester’s deliciously dynamic writing and performance collective Young Identity - - harnessed a shared passion for working with young people and language and created Wordsmith – , an inter school wordshop and showcase project. I have also recorded cult tracks such as the 2000 Blues (Rainy City Music) and Hungry Ghost (Grand Central Records), and most recently Mancunian Way which was licensed for a Hacienda compilation that was released in Japan. I am also gigging with Manchester band the effektuators –


Who recalls when Omar unfroze our souls From the stupor of an over commercialized neutered Music Coma It’s was the 90’s En vogue were on a rhythmic hip tickling roll Put my nefarious cares on hold when Hold on was first spun TLC’s Tongue in cheek "creep" wistfully invited me to boogie Till the rise of the eVer fresh faced sun Not to mention thee emotion cascading "waterfall" Same time as their punk funk mentor prince Evinced a curve ball assaulting our soul senses Our sense of soul …….when he dropped "get off" Had us doing 22 positions and horny Pony Missions Like it was an addiction Indubitably one track that will live on eVen after history Was Teddy Riley&Black Streets "No DiggitY" Whilst reminiscing it would be abject if Brandy and Monica English penalty takers......missing…. The Boy is mine was divine and reminded 1 or 2 rude boy about the joys of more devotional.....tender inclines None of this bears witness to the stilling of time When the Oceanic baritones of Omar graced hearts.....your he art....her she art space with "Nothing Like this" Echoing ecstasy through every echelon Of your existence A Vibrational Libation The B line.......the Strings......the ryddim Track eVery facet of this Classix More priceless Than silence…….or the utter absence of random violence Or - as opposed to fiat currencies - the price of Gold So sisters and Bro’s Unlike Homer don’t stay home loafing On ya sofa……wailing Dooh Moaning that there’s nowhere to go Anymore 4 quality Soul Board the SOul Train where wholesome folks like OmaR abode It’s ALMOST guaranteed to set your soul a glow What you your good self-bring to the party Will determine how freely or fleetingly fantasy fuelled feelings float

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Blog entries by Chris Jam

Our Sanctuary (23/03/2013)

Total Art (14/02/2013)

SaturnSDaY (15/09/2012)

Magnetic Blaise AlexiS (15/09/2012)

AdaM&eVe ting (14/09/2012)

woKeN SpuRReD (22/05/2010)

CReATionZ eYe'Z (22/05/2010)

WheRe WiLL WenT (22/05/2010)

Mi CaSA (19/05/2010)

DeViLLiveD (09/05/2010)

Read more entries by Chris Jam…

Blog link:

Audio entries by Chris Jam

Our Sanctuary (23/03/2013)

Total Art (14/02/2013)

SaturnSDaY (15/09/2012)

Magnetic Blaise AlexiS (15/09/2012)

AdaM&eVe ting (14/09/2012)

woKeN SpuRReD (22/05/2010)

CReATionZ eYe'Z (22/05/2010)

WheRe WiLL WenT (22/05/2010)

Mi CaSA (19/05/2010)

DeViLLiveD (09/05/2010)

More audio from Chris Jam…

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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Mon 27th Jul 2009 22:55

Good stuff here Chris! Best wishes from a newbie

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Chris Dawson

Wed 22nd Jul 2009 00:20

Very impressed with the length and steadiness of the note you hold, and the quality of your voice is superb, it's the sharp intake at the beginning of your sentence that I meant .... sounds to me like you're breathing in to the top of your lungs. Practice two things - 1st - look in the mirror and take a big breath in - your shoulders shouldn't rise, fill down and push your abdomen out instead, you'll be able to take more air in and control it better. 2nd - lie on the floor, big breath in (without moving your shoulders), hands on your ribcage and speak a line on one breath - use your hands to help squeeze the air out that little bit further.
Life is fine thanks! Was nice to meet you and see you perform at the Greenroom a coupl of weeks ago.
Take care,

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Jeff Dawson

Thu 4th Jun 2009 23:15

Hi Chris, great to meet you at Sale and see you in action, obviously congrats on the slam, like your stuff and the way you perform it, cheers see you soon, Jeff

<Deleted User> (5646)

Wed 3rd Jun 2009 13:46

Hi Chris, just wanted to say many congratulations on your super win at the Bolton slam. You are a very worthy winner and i look forward to the next time you perform.

Janet Ramsden.

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Gemma Lees

Tue 2nd Jun 2009 21:28

Thanks very much and well done yourself you were great :)

<Deleted User>

Thu 14th May 2009 16:47

Hiya ! how's it going? ...sadly I have blogged everything new and the muse has gone on holiday : ) Had a lot of stuff on here but I tend to remove after week or so.

Busy writing up MA project which has been neglected a lot.

Do you go to identity at Commonword - I love it there (it's my extended family!) Might see ya there sometime

Pete Crompton

Fri 8th May 2009 02:40

Jeeeeeesh!!!!!!!!!!! this is a powerhouse list of poetry.
Awesome and some blinding couplets, I gotta re read theres tons to take in, superb, instant appeal.
I'm on board here. Just great!

<Deleted User> (7790)

Wed 6th May 2009 20:20

Powerfuel, wow and kerpow! All strength to your driven voice. More!

<Deleted User>

Wed 6th May 2009 07:48 are sensational and a breath of fresh air x

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Wed 6th May 2009 00:46

Welcome to wol, that is if you have just joined. Good luck blue

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