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Dave Dunn

Updated: Sat, 31 Oct 2015 10:38 pm

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I started writing poetry back in school in the sixties, with a lot of influence from my grandfather who was a performance poet and parodist. His work includes a complete autobiography in verse, with an audio that I still have on reel to reel tape - some 4 hours plus in his rich Scottish tones. After a lot of years in technical writing and marketing, I took on the role of carer for my late wife and our 3 children in the mid nineties, so all forms of writing took a back stage for a while. Now there's just my son on the job hunt, his older sisters having long migrated into work. After a second Whiplash injury left me with deteriorating grip and feeling in my arms I had decompression surgery to my neck in late 2009, so it is now strengthened with titanium, but I took the hint and retired. So I've had more time for writing poetry during the last few years, using various social networks and a few poetry forums to display my work. I cover political, eco and other themes - yes a few of the romantic ones too. :) Local publications have used several of my poems and one poem was published in the International Who's Who in Poetry 2012. The first collection of my poems was published in 2010, ISBN: 1-4535-9660-7 (paperback), ISBN: 1-4535-9661-5 (eBook)- titled 'Rhumour Has It'. The eBook version now revised for direct sales to incorporate a personal dedication to the individual buyers. Another collection, Rhumours of Romance has 120 love poems, currently in eBook, also to be published in paperback when I eventually finish the illustrations. A third volume 'Poems From Pinchbeck' reflects the period when I was living on the outskirts of that Lincolnshire village, next to the River Glen. I have the eBook ready to release, and the paperback will follow.


Excess Memories I awoke to silhouettes of images long suppressed Those which rose from their internment within grey depths Flickered with hesitance as if from draft blown oil lamps Wound round with broken elements of sad irrelevance A bathroom strewn with her damp towels and brushes The muddled aromas of jasmine and retching assaulted us Long hair held back by my then firm hands during gasping That came between her bouts of drink fuelled choking Tear stained cheeks and serial sorry's during her guilty glances At a man she then barely knew who tried to overwrite Jaundiced views of men gained from events afore that night Shaking from exhaustion as dryness came to end that spell Face bathed with flannel and water to freshen her well Seeing her safely settled on the sofa in adjacent room Window allowing a glimpse of near full moon That seemed to drift though it could but be the clouds Saying are you ok now as she still moaned aloud Placing a bowl within reach of out flung arm Saying I'll be off then you'll be safe from harm Wondering what was the event that lead to that excess And feeling slightly guilty at leaving such a ghastly mess ©Rhumour May 11th 2009 Edit June 19th 2014

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Audio entries by Dave Dunn

THE FAMILY - an Acrostic poem (01/03/2015)

Unmarked By Their Passing (25/02/2015)

Last Hope Of Redemption (08/02/2015)

Yes Men (07/02/2015)

By The Edge Of Water (07/02/2015)

Peace Is Sanity (04/02/2015)

Rage On The Loose (04/02/2015)

Oh How Those Dolly Birds Do Play... (02/12/2014)

Brush Grass From Our Knees (07/11/2014)

Good Dreams, Bad Dreams (22/02/2012)

More audio from Dave Dunn…

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Preeti Sinha

Mon 9th Feb 2015 03:11

We are all looking for four-leaved clovers ! Thank you for your comments on my work :)

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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Sat 7th Feb 2015 10:44

Thanks Preeti - yes, you are right, it's clear that luck has a big part to play... Now where is that 4 leaf clover? :)

Preeti Sinha

Sat 7th Feb 2015 07:56

Thank you Dave :) Only the fortunate find the ones they are looking for. The rest keep looking!

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Lynn Dye

Tue 2nd Dec 2014 15:52

Hello Dave, sorry for the delay in answering, but thank you for your kind comments on 'Doggy Walk'.

How is the warming towards another dog going, or do you have one yet? x

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Lynn Dye

Fri 20th Jun 2014 22:30

Hi Dave, thank you very much for your kind comments on my latest. Much appreciated.

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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Thu 19th Jun 2014 02:21

Thanks Katie, you are very kind :) Best wishes Dave

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Thu 19th Jun 2014 01:47

Hi, Dave. Thank you for the inspirational words of advice.

Your sample poem is absolutely lovely. Great imagery.

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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Wed 18th Jun 2014 21:57

HI Daniel, glad to see such topics being covered, I figure the medium of poetry should cover things that are often swept under the table, the lyrics of popular songs rarely manage to give victims an anthem they can adopt... Best wishes, Dave

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Ged the Poet

Wed 18th Jun 2014 17:59

Hello Dave,
Thank you very much for your comment on 'World Cup Widow' it was very much appreciated. Like yourself I also cannot see why any man would want to resort to any kind of violence after his team loses. Unfortunately the days of being humble in victory and gracious in defeat seem to get more rare.
Much appreciated.

<Deleted User> (6895)

Wed 11th Jun 2014 23:44

thanks for letting us know you are still in the land of the living Dave.Whatever happened to your pink wig,we'd like to know?xx

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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Wed 19th Jun 2013 13:28

Thanks for all your comments Alex, much appreciated. :)

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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Mon 3rd Jun 2013 16:12

Thanks Isobel - yeah, I'm not having a great spell so far this year, I have pain management issues from old spinal injuries that flared up. Nothing to do but drift through the chemical fog until they subside so I have some clarity of thought. But glad to be back and have something to post again. :) Best wishes, Dave

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Mon 3rd Jun 2013 06:46

Hello Dave - thanks for the comment on my Lonely Whale - where've you been? It's good to see you back on the site! x

tony sheridan

Mon 8th Oct 2012 09:55

Thanks for your comments on First Class Ticket. Food for thought! Take care, Tony.

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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Wed 3rd Oct 2012 13:53

Thanks for commenting on the audio Tony - I do plan to record some more soon :), I will go and listen to your song next - best wishes, Dave

tony sheridan

Wed 3rd Oct 2012 13:37

Thanks for your suggestion Dave. I have uploaded the song version of "First Class Ticket" Take care, Tony.

tony sheridan

Tue 2nd Oct 2012 19:00

Love the audio posts. More please. Take care, Tony.

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Tomás Ó Cárthaigh

Sat 1st Sep 2012 01:21

Just catching up with your writings. Havnt been by the website in a while...

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Yvonne Brunton

Wed 13th Jun 2012 22:50

Hi Dave,
Thanks for you comment on 'house hunting'. I am glad that you enjoyed the play on words..
Have you ever sampled the work of Les Barker, his lateral thinking in his monologues is really creative. xx

<Deleted User> (6895)

Wed 6th Jun 2012 01:01

Ayup matey!
where the thump have you been hiding?
nice to see thee back young feller me lad.xx

<Deleted User> (10123)

Tue 27th Mar 2012 00:50

Hi Dave, if they're good let them know it. Ta muchly, Nick

<Deleted User> (10185)

Sun 18th Mar 2012 07:37

Hello Dave, your sample poem is one of the best provocative poems I’ve read in a long time. You have managed to do what a lot of poets miss out these days and that is to use the five senses as well as making your poem very concrete.

You provoke a scene that many of us have played out, and which I sorry to say a lot more have still to pass through that unpleasantness in their lives.

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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Tue 28th Feb 2012 12:40

Hi Martin, thanks for your kind comments on 'Excess Memories'.

While I did actually revisit this piece to 'tweak' it a couple of times since that original version was posted, it has remained untouched here, at least in part because I hadn't got around to re-recording the audio and Winston had been kind enough to select it as poem of the month a couple of years back.

I'm sure the metre is still not 100% - some would say I tend to be lazy on that front - unless I'm penning a sonnet perhaps. :) Best wishes, Dave

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Martin Peacock

Tue 28th Feb 2012 11:21

Cheers for your comments re: 'A New Dawn Rose'. By way of reciprocation I read your sample above and, metre apart, liked it. I stumbled over the scansion, its rhythm getting lost in lines of variable length [8,11,14 syllables for eg]. At the risk of incurring your wrath, were this to be tightened up I reckon it would turn out to be a mighty poem.

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Neil Fawcett

Mon 27th Feb 2012 16:04

Thanks for your comments Dave, appreciated.

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Mike Hilton

Mon 27th Feb 2012 14:56

Thanks Dave,

This came about when I was following the Stephen Lawrence murderers trial and how things seem to right themselves with patience and belief.



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Sat 25th Feb 2012 16:53

Thanks for your comment Dave. I wonder if he'd be shocked by how much money he made for florists also - or not in my case LOL x

steve mellor

Wed 22nd Feb 2012 12:23

Hello David
From one ex-carer to another
Your very welcome comments are spot on about Annie

I've done a sequel, but it's so bloody long (twice as long as this first), it's likely to send readers to sleep, so I'll keep it back for a good while

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Barbi Touron

Mon 20th Feb 2012 17:25

"Open up our minds and let our minds run free"
wonderfully done, I enjoyed The future is so near, the poetic meter so perfect and your voice is so calming as well. Cheers

<Deleted User> (10062)

Wed 8th Feb 2012 17:37

You have such inspiring writing! I love the style, not too much or too little, and I especially like 'The Unknown Child', it's really powerful and through provoking stuff, keep at it, I'm interested! Joy

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