If It Started This Christmas
As the year moves ever closer to it’s end,
I wish to call out to each and every friend,
to say I wish them all peace and goodwill,
with plenty to eat & even some wine to spill.
The greatest gift I could wish to see for us all,
would be peace and love forever, so that we’d recall,
it started one Christmas and was then always adored,
I believe if we share goodwill we never would be bored.
And if it started this Christmas, what joy for our New Year,
with so many freed from torment, no more cause for fear,
let them listen to joyful songs and share our food and drink,
leaving all bad times to fade while our futures we rethink.
When peace does come to stay and leaves war terrors behind,
everyone will know that it is truly best for us all to just be kind,
for that will make the future better for our children & their friends,
and answer the prayers of many who hope that peace never ends
November 14th 2017
M.C. Newberry
Mon 27th Nov 2017 15:37
"Good will" - an expression that describes the obvious way
of relating to our fellows and the best way of preventing
conflict in all its forms. We should all be working towards
its priority in our dealings with each other.