The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 31 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Tricia Hague-Barrett

Updated: Mon, 9 Jun 2014 05:05 pm

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Firstly I am a Baha'i, and I am an Author, painter, poet, sculptor, and I have earned a Diploma of Art and Creativity from The Learning Connexion in Wellington, New Zealand. I am 68 years young, and have a keen interest in meeting new people from all around the world, and helping to bring about greater understanding and love to the human world. I believe strongly in the concept of One World, as 'the earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens.' A quote directly from the Baha'i Writings. I am a mother of 5 grown up children, I am a grandmother of 11, and a great grandmother of 1 (I think)


IMPORTANCE OF THE LAND by Tricia Hague-Barrett (1994) To attempt to answer that question of his I would have to say that New Zealand just is Though not important as the earth as a whole For mankind is one, we can’sider ourselves told But there is too much import laid on this land Instead of each other’s human heart and hand Perhaps tomorrow we shall see this is so And assist each other to finally grow But far beyond our need to live in our world Is the need to prepare a Kingdom unfurled Living sentient days without all the fuss And loving each other as we know that we must Because we are all conditional beings Coming to terms without our innermost feelings Learning to find out who we really are We only know by the road travelled so far Having hindsight is the only way to know How much we have grown and how far left to go Growing spiritually with each difficulty God knows how to make us go down on our knees To worship His loving-kind-thoughtfulness His laws and His guidance are always with us My prayer is that we will let go of our needs And find ways to show not our words but our deeds Then land will not become our dominant goal And true education given to the soul Our love of each other will grow so deep fast And nationalism will not have a chance It won’t take hold anywhere on this planet Bringing heartache and suffering to fan it The suffering flames will finally go out And our souls will mean more, and land now’t Tricia © copyright 1994

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Fri 13th Jun 2014 12:00

it was good ....

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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Mon 9th Jun 2014 23:18

Hello Tricia, glad to see you decided to join WOL. :)

I look forward to continuing our conversations here and on Shtyle and will take a look at your poems next.

best wishes, Dave

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Graham Sherwood

Mon 9th Jun 2014 18:08

Hello Tricia

Welcome to Write Out Loud.

I hope you enjoy the site. We're really looking forward to reading some of your work and I know that you will be warmly welcomed by other WOL-ers too.

Thanks for uploading a picture of yourself. It’s good to see what our fellow poets look like.

Have a good browse around, there’s lots going on and if you have the time to make some comments about the work of other poets please feel free. It’s the best way to get some constructive feedback about your own work too.

There’s always someone who’ll help you out with a problem, so just ask and someone will get back to you. It’s a friendly place, so welcome once again.

Graham Sherwood

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