The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 16 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Mike Hilton

Updated: Sun, 29 Jan 2012 05:11 pm

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Born at a very early age 60 years ago.I left school in 1966 with no qualifications, and no 'A' or 'O' levels. However, I did get a spirit level when I started my job as an apprentice joiner. For the past 25 years I have worked for the Probation Service. Firstly, passing on my woodworking skills to offenders on community service in a workshop environment. Then I became a tutor delivering various offending behaviour courses to offenders in custody. I am now working on the resettlement side of things. I have been putting pen to paper for many years but have only recently found the 'bottle' to read or write out loud. I guess you're never to old to learn!


UNHOLELY SOCKS I suppose you could say we were meant for each other. Not like sister and brother but more like mates. And we look great,dancing in time when we share the same peg on the washing line. We get on well and you can tell by the miles we've walked together. In all kinds of weather, through thick and thin, through hot and cold. But now we're old,losing our strength, looks and appeal. I can imagine our fate is once again sealed. Thrown together with worn out socks, legless knickers,budgie smugglers,wireless bras and skimpy tops. I hope we don't get smothered by some belly warmers from a mothballed drawer. Now, that would be the last straw and make us sick. Much better to end our days being strangled by a G-string that's been kept in good nick! ENDLESS SECONDS Love's hour shared, locked in time. Entangled web makes passions tastes buds tender, enraged with the shine and glow of endless seconds of bliss. Pulses racing, high senses unaware of the hour, the time, the date. Time's breath holds;....tenses and unfolds, turns skin to silk; stimulates limbs to gold. Fahrenheit scaled in teasing slow motion. Warm scent radiates; inhaled through addictive love potions. Mesmerising my weak grasp of willpower and encourages more loved shared hours. THE BIG HOUSE Walk the wing,stroll the yard Eyeball a charred silver score From the night before Stifled screams from a branded face Put in his place He got what he got From the strike of an iron,red hot Nothing seen,all agreed Turned heads,nothing said Jungle rules No ties from the old school Tommy Tourettes forgets Who he is,where he is and loses it Floods his gaff We all have a bubble bath First response down the block Screws swarm,false alarm Not fit,out of breath, All the lot Good distraction for some parcel action Over the wall but it falls Under the drugs dogs snout We get nowt In debt Can't be met Don't shout Lights punched out

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Kenneth Eaton-Dykes

Mon 23rd Dec 2013 17:10

Hi Mike. Thanks for that thoughtful comment.

A very merry Christmas to you and yours.

See you in the New year. Ken

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Laura Taylor

Mon 2nd Dec 2013 14:11

Hey cheers ears! Long time no see. Hope you're well mate, and maybe see you at the crimbo Tudor? xx

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Pete Slater

Wed 24th Apr 2013 16:13

How de doody Mike.
On the Block was one of the earliest poems I wrote. Thought I'd put an early one on and hopefully get a bit of feedback. Tried reading it a bit JCC. You're right it does lend itself to that style of delivery, never thought about it. Thanks for the comment mate, much appreciated.

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Pete Slater

Mon 22nd Apr 2013 17:48

Hi Mike
Thanks for your words on A Friday morning Bubble.
A sad time for me. Wrote a couple about livng in a bubble. Strange feelings at the time.

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Pete Slater

Mon 15th Apr 2013 09:00

Hey, hya Mike.
Fancy meeting you here ha,ha.
Thanks for liking Shadows mate, it's a special one for me, takes me back every time I read it. BTW, Endless seconds ... loved the images ....
"Time's breath holds;....tenses
and unfolds, turns skin to silk; stimulates
limbs to gold."

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Wez Jefferies

Fri 22nd Feb 2013 19:57

Hi Mike, thanks for your comment, glad you enjoyed it. :)

Kenneth Eaton-Dykes

Wed 13th Feb 2013 11:02

Hi Mike

Thanks for that. Just a little something I threw together, in between my (more serious) job of writing conundrums for crackers.

Do You fancy a part time job? I need a new Keeper.

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Laura Taylor

Fri 8th Feb 2013 16:11

Cheers matey!!

tony sheridan

Tue 1st Jan 2013 19:55

Hi Mike. Happy New Year. Take care, Tony.

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John Coopey

Sun 9th Dec 2012 17:13

Hello Mike
Glad you liked "If". Yes, I bet Cloughie's watching the matches with interest.

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John Coopey

Sat 1st Dec 2012 21:50

Hello Mike,
Glad you liked "White Rabbit". If you know the original, as I do, I suspect you're giving your age away.

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Laura Taylor

Fri 12th Oct 2012 16:08

Cheers fella!! I'm looking forward to the 'excellent homemade cakes' ;D

<Deleted User> (10185)

Sun 18th Mar 2012 07:57

Hi Mike, like the big house, reminded me of one I wrote ages ago titled JINGLE JANGLE, about walking the midnight jail and his keys jingle jangle.

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winston plowes

Thu 15th Mar 2012 11:17

Hi Mike, good to finaly meet you at Magic Words the other night. Thx for your kind words re welcoming to WOL, much appreciated. Your reading really grabbed the audience. funny and engaging. looking forward to hearing more and hope you can come along again. Win

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Thu 8th Mar 2012 19:32

Hello, Mike! (Privet!) Thank you so much for commenting on my poem "March". When you have time please visit my site
It could be nice if you leave your comment.
With warmest wishes,

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Rachel Bond

Mon 5th Mar 2012 21:07

thanks for comments on 'disgrace' your thoughts appreciated x

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John Coopey

Wed 29th Feb 2012 20:54

Hello Mike. Glad you liked "Dream". It's mostly autobiographical apart from the bit about waking with a boner. I haven't done that in years!

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John Coopey

Wed 29th Feb 2012 20:46

Thanks for commenting on "Quelle Surprise", Mike. Glad you liked it.

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Mon 27th Feb 2012 14:53

Thanks Mike - yes my prosy poem is a work in progress - though I think I might leave it there. It just reflects me of the moment :)x

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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Fri 24th Feb 2012 15:02

Hi Mike - My thanks for your kind comments on 'Good Dreams, Bad Dreams' - glad you like it . :) Best wishes, Dave

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Laura Taylor

Fri 24th Feb 2012 09:46


It's one of my most favouritestest words in the world, is fucksticks - has a fantastic choppiness to it - that extra kicking consonant just adds to the beauty of the word FUCK ;)

I'm in a pretty good mood as it goes Michael - it's Freeday! Just stupid buggering chat keeps shiting up on me grrr

<Deleted User> (10059)

Thu 23rd Feb 2012 14:25

Thanks again! Just a bit more 'punchline' poetry for a laugh!!

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Laura Taylor

Thu 23rd Feb 2012 13:51

;p nosey! It's a nice name, chicklet, I like it lots :)

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Rachel Bond

Wed 22nd Feb 2012 16:30

haha no its my mate urszela. its in the art gallery at leeds. it was lieterally inviting people to interact. the curator took the pic! :)

<Deleted User> (6315)

Tue 21st Feb 2012 21:16

Appreciated your comment on Eating flights of fantasy take me to wonderful places ;)

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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Mon 20th Feb 2012 12:33

Hi Mike, thanks for your comments on 'The Myth of the Perfect Man' - much appreciated :) Best wishes, Dave.

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Fri 10th Feb 2012 14:32

LOL - well you didn't hear me pissing myself (in a literal sense), that's for sure! :))

<Deleted User> (6895)

Thu 9th Feb 2012 23:52

Good on yer Mikey re loggy fire'n'all that.
nice comments,fer which I thank yer.

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Laura Taylor

Tue 7th Feb 2012 16:02

Cheers ears for y'note on Equus Ferus :)

Comin' out to play on Thursday in Wigan?

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winston plowes

Fri 3rd Feb 2012 21:22

Hi Mike, Glad you liked my Quavering, Win

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