The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Updated: Thu, 9 Oct 2014 09:43 am

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I enjoy writing poetry and poetic stories. I am simply signing up to this site because I want to improve and learn more about other poets out there in the world to whom I can relate and respond to. I live in South Africa, East London. I have always kept my writings to myself and now I feel ready to share it with the world, the world where open minded, artistic and talented poets explore. My writngs are quit simple, it is basically words that define the world through my eyes and how I experience thoughts, emotions, feelings and life. Recently my short lined poetry transformed into short poetic essays. I don't always feel convident when that piece of me takes place and grabs a pen and paper and just starts writing, because it sometimes blows me away - reason being that most of the time I don't even know that I had it in me to write whatever I had just written - It's a great skill and talent to have and I am proud of it. My poems speak for themselves. Hope it speaks to the world. :)


Title: "The Eyes In My Soul" “My mind blindly shows me that I present the symbol of my own heart on top the edge of a waterfall, my emotions stream down fast, crashing to the sound of the surface below my loosely tamed thoughts. It’s a rush. It’s somewhat an unstable adrenaline rush. It moves my soul persuasively. It fulfills me with an empty gesture of broken wings that cannot fly, not even if fixed. My heart is the composer: it pumps my blood through my veins to its own melody. My beating pulse is an instrument of clarity, yet it drains me to a particular unusual insanity. My mind and thoughts are the notes, the keys, that play on my expression towards my emotions and that leads to my day to day behavior on my transformation to see both sides of the differences between the similarities of a fictional world painted in colors of reality.” ***

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Graham Sherwood

Thu 9th Oct 2014 10:04

Hello Chris,

Welcome to Write Out Loud, we hope you have a good time exploring the site. We're really looking forward to reading some of your work and I know that you’ll get a warm welcome from the other WOL-ers too.

Thanks for uploading a picture of yourself, it’s really good to see what our fellow poets look like.

Have a good browse around, there’s work here on virtually any subject and there’s always lots going on. If you have the time to make some comments about the work of other poets please feel free to do so, it’s often the best way to get some constructive feedback about your own work too.

If you experience any technical problems there’s usually somebody who’ll help you out so just ask and someone will get back to you reasonably swiftly.

WOL is a friendly, creative and unassuming place, so welcome from all of us once again.

Graham @ the Write Out Loud Team.

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