The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Dominique Lucas

Updated: Fri, 3 Jan 2020 11:49 am

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I've written poetry since I was young. It was a freeing hobby that I came to love for it ease my burden of everyday life that tried to bring me down. Now that I am older I have 5 beautiful babies, a husband who brings more joy then I could ever thought I would have and I continue to explore my own depth of imagination through the art of Poetry.


New Spectrum With youth, we see through shades of white, a pure canvas with which to paint a story and as we grow, colors mix without us knowing Soon we strive for personal glories Mistakes are made, loss is unavoidable, life throws a curveball a time or two Each person has their own system in use The word ‘perfection’ is proven untrue Weaving together our faults and our pride, we see the world through colors we make Ignoring the obvious signs upon our roads, for we wish to make our own fate We fight against the norm of past times, making a breakthrough that always evolves No longer seeing through black, white and gray but creating a new spectrum for our resolve

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Wed 18th Dec 2019 02:52

Welcome Dominique! I like your writing style. It’s raw and real. A lot of us survivors can relate. I think you will find WOL a warm and receptive place to share your art. Write on❣️

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