The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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E.M Chino

Updated: Mon, 2 Jan 2017 05:39 pm


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I fell in love with writing, as I attended college. I write about anything that I see important, and that comes to my head. In my pocket I always have a notepad, for no one knows when inspiration will strike with full force. I sometimes write about controversial events, yet my intentions are not to offend no one; sometimes it is good to write from other eyes. I enjoy feedback and do not get offended by it, so please let me hear from you. My e-mail is As a sample I have posted a poem that I wrote in November of 2016, and I have been given both positive and negative feedback on it.


Despierta/Wake Up I hear you, I hear your snore. I see you, Sleeping without trouble at all. But I am confused, For you should be angry and awake. La Bestia has slashed at you, Calling you a thief and a rapist. He is the dominant culture, Thinking of ways to keep you down. But we must think of our future, And make it our own. The clock is ticking, The lines are long. The sun is setting, Over the red and blue horizon. The day is now upon us, And the nation is now covered in blood. Our hope has lost, And I came to find out that only 11% of you woke up. I’m in shock, For where is the is the flame that Joaquin, the LA 13 and Chavez lit up? What happened to you, Why didn’t you wake up? But now you are in pain, And now you are angry. Now look at what your flojera has created, The victory for the enemy. Now you see the fear in your family, And now you hear the cry of our people. But will that be enough? Or will you just once again just settle? Please descendant of Cuauhtémoc, The one’s blessed by La Morenita. Great Builders of civilizations, Ya despierta! Show to them that they are mistaken, Show to them the real Latinos. Latinos with right intentions, Those who fill schools instead of prisons. Today it’s just 11 against 73, Today we must endure La Bestia. Por Favor for your Madre, Padre, Carnal, y Raza. Por favor…. Despierta.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Blog entries by E.M Chino

I am Certain (16/02/2017)

My Dearest Friend (06/02/2017)

Uncertainty (25/01/2017)

Maria (25/01/2017)

The White Van (03/01/2017)

Wake Up/Despierta (02/01/2017)

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