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Emma Roy- Williams

Updated: Thu, 21 Apr 2016 08:10 am

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I write about topics as they come to me. Usually inspired by a phrase or a word. I love a good metaphor and I like my poems to rhyme although that seems like a bad thing to say in the poetry world. Edward Lear's nonsense poetry helps validate my opinion though!


See first line The middle difference makes all the difference The bit between delights and frights that makes you feel alright Drinking wine by the street lights The odd star shining bright I wish every night could be like tonight Sitting with you Sharing stories like for like Bringing bugs to bear Stories left to be told When we said good night A vague hint at future delight Of songs left unsung And futures still undone My heart was still to be won But it was fun Mood swings in check, happy and light- I couldn’t have asked for any more that night Celebrity Shoes flat tops high tops all look the same under a plimpth and on podiums who's to say that the crocs worn by kerry aren't the loafers worn by cherie anyway you look at it our tiny dances and twirls are put up by the pump only the odd complaint in the form of a pinch is given for a life in the limelight forever hidden

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.


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Jeff Dawson

Sun 16th Aug 2009 13:38

Hiya Emma again, thanx for comment on Darker Skies, it is so tragic and things like that help me put things into perspective as they do you by the sounds of it. You might want to read this that I did last year after a visit to Lithuania, its called 'Genocide' - see ya soon Jeff X

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Jeff Dawson

Sun 16th Aug 2009 08:22

hi Emma, yeah be lovely to meet you, will be at Freed Up this thursday. Yes most of my poems do rhyme, the rhythm (all the hard words lol) helps when I'm performing live to remember them, well sometimes anyway!

I'll keep an eye out for any work you do, the feedback does help, just be careful with the spelling, it can make a massive difference and if its wrong it stands out mile and can ruin an otherwise good poem!

I even wrote a poem last year 'Queens English RIP' because of number of people who get you're and your mixed up, drives me mad! JeffX

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Steven Kenny

Fri 14th Aug 2009 16:33

Two very good samples here Emma! I'm particularly fond of the first one! Great work! :-)

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Fri 31st Jul 2009 09:46

No, I did a scriptwriting course run by a lady called Beth Mcann, under the name of Primary Creations. She was the brains behind the Not Part Of festival and a general mover and shaker in Manchester. Where do you run your creative writing course? Thanks for your comment by the way!

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Julian (Admin)

Thu 30th Jul 2009 22:39

I love this line I particular, Emma:
Bringing bugs to bear
Was that the Salford course you did?

<Deleted User> (6353)

Thu 30th Jul 2009 21:56

I like Celebrity Shoes Emma!

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David Franks

Fri 9th Jan 2009 10:13

Just enjoyed your rhymes, Emma.

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