The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

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Farag M. Afify

Updated: Sun, 14 Apr 2019 06:39 pm


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Farag M. Afify, Egyptian, March 1950, published award winning Fellow Poet. Member of International Society of Poets & International Library of Poetry, World Poets Association, Poetry Nobel House, Indian Poetry Society (Kerala), Abyat Poets and Poetry Community (Kuwait) and Egyptian Poets and Songs Writers. I published my first English Poem "Let's Pray" in 2000 on Al-Hadaf Kuwaiti Newspaper. In 2001 – The following Poems were published in the "The Silence Within – ISBN: 0-7951-5062-8" International Library of Poetry collection of poetry, scheduled for publication on 2001: No Chance and Against Wind but the following Poems were published in the "Nature's Echoes – ISBN: 1-58235-564-9" International Library of Poetry collection of poetry, scheduled for publication on 2001: No Surprise and Let's Pray. In 2001 – I was nominated as the World Champion Amateur Poet, I was invited to attend The International Society of Poets Summer convention and Symposium, held on August 17th, 2001, in Washington DC, USA. In 2002 - My following Poem was published in the "Under a Quicksilver Moon – ISBN: 0-7951-5065-2" International Library of Poetry collection of poetry, scheduled for publication on 2002: Life Boat but the following Poem was published in the "The International Who's Who in Poetry" International Library of Poetry collection of poetry, scheduled for publication on 2002: Steps, also the following Poems were published in the "The Letters from the Soul – ISBN: 0-7951-5160-8" International Library of Poetry collection of poetry, scheduled for publication on 2002: Let me hope, Nancy Theater, Love @ Noon, Happiness and Love Seed. On February 27th, 2005, received Outstanding Achievement In Poetry Award from The International Society of Poets. In 2005 - The following Poems were published in the "Eternal Portraits – ISBN: 0-7951-5227-2" International Library of Poetry collection of poetry, scheduled for publication on 2005: Money, Thanks God, Heart in Love, Love Armor, Only Now, and First Love. In 2005 - Nominated as the Poet of the year for 2005, I was invited to attend The International Society of Poets Summer convention and Symposium, held on August 19th -21st, 2005, in Washington DC, USA. In 2006 – The following Poem was published in the "The Best Poems and Poets of 2005" International Library of Poetry collection of poetry, scheduled for publication on 2006: Amigos, while the following Poems were recorded on "The Sound of Poetry" International Library of Poetry CD & Cassette collection of poetry, scheduled for publication on 2006: No Chance, March 15th, Love @ Noon, Life Boat, Against Wind and Happiness. Also, in 2006 – the following Poems were published in the "Immortal Verses" International Library of Poetry collection of poetry, scheduled for publication on 2006: Love Kingdom and In Mumbai but the following Poem was published in the "Songs of Honor" Noble House' collection of poetry, scheduled for publication on 2006: Simple Rules. In 2007 – Mr. Nigel Hillary, Publisher, Poetry Division - Noble House U.K. nominated me as a Fellow Poet on 10th of October. 207. In 2010 I joined "Scribd Community" Sharing some of my Arabic and English Poems: In 2012 - Received the Poetry Award Pin from International Library of Poetry. In 2013 – My poetry have been selected to be published in the historic edition "Best Poets and Poems of 2012 - Library of Congress ISBN - 978-1-619-61936-075-4". In 2013 - Nominated for the Best Poets of 2012' Award. On February 2019 – Received an invitation from 'Al-Badel Arabic Newspapers" to publish my Arabic poetry. On January 2019 – I was invited to join "Write Out Loud" Community to share my poetry: On March 2019 – Happily received an invitation to join "Contemporary-Horizon-Blog-Spot" Community.


Humankind I want to speak one more Language That everybody can easily speak Same as our food or as beverage If not, it means, we are weak I wish I could deal with people In everywhere, whatever they are I hope I can once be able To become a friend to those are aware Serious or peaceful situations Should not affect our hearts The poverty or luxury nations Are only our world' parts

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Blog entries by Farag M. Afify

Alone in Love (30/06/2021)

Fake Love (30/06/2021)

Love's Cave (30/06/2021)

Soul of Love (30/06/2021)

Princess Love (30/06/2021)

Pure Love (30/06/2021)

Dream Boat (15/04/2019)

GOD Bless (15/04/2019)

Out Loud (14/04/2019)

Hello (09/04/2019)

Read more entries by Farag M. Afify…

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Audio entries by Farag M. Afify

Dream Boat (15/04/2019)

GOD Bless (15/04/2019)

Out Loud (14/04/2019)

Hello (09/04/2019)

NO SURPRISE (07/04/2019)

Mid January (06/04/2019)

Arrive Alive (05/04/2019)

In Mumbai (04/04/2019)

NO CHANCE (04/04/2019)

Money (04/04/2019)

More audio from Farag M. Afify…

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