Hya, For the benefit of W.O. L. I use the name Brownhare I am 78 yrs old and am very fond of wildlife, I am neither poet nor author, I write from the heart,,my education was basic ,and I do make errors in my spelling,etc,but I write to entertain you,and not to pass exams. I hope my pieces are of interest to you,so here goes.have a nice day Brownhare
IN MEMORY OF IAN. I sit here by the rivers brim, but I am not alone. A thousand memories crowd my head of friends and family gone. loved ones I remember and the fells we used to roam and many a mile of pasture walked before we made for home. We listened to the curlew and the skylark soaring high and the " pee witting " of lapwings as they tumbled from the sky At night we' sit in silence and listen to the sounds of tawny owl and vixen and the badger underground. We would listen to the ribble on its way towards the sea Nights to be remembered with my nephew Ian and me. The ribble is a river in North west lance. Peewitting is the call of the Lapwing. A.k.A the green plover,peewit, and locally Tewitt written by Ians uncle George,in his memory.
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
Blog entries by George lawson
(untitled) (05/03/2021)
Was this visitor " Peg"O"the Well?. (25/08/2016)
The way we were. Part 3 (25/08/2016)
The way we were. Part 2 (21/08/2016)
The way we were. Part 1 (21/08/2016)
Clogs and Shawls (19/08/2016)
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M.C. Newberry
Tue 23rd Aug 2016 13:23
Hello there - and welcome back on WOL.
Your recollections are not only entertaining but important
in an age when so much can quickly be forgotten or
disregarded - lost to those younger interested souls
who would like to know about such things from those
who knew them firsthand. After marrying for a second
time following the premature death of my father from TB in the late 1940s, my mother developed what I now
call "gypsy feet". It seemed that after about a year
in any place she'd be looking for an excuse to move and
I reckon that happened around 20 times in as many years
...so I had quite a bit of experience of living in a variety
of homes - pre-central heating and boiler days! But the
art of lighting a coal fire became second nature, as did
rubbing the ice from the inside of a bathroom window!
Keep posting.