The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Updated: Mon, 16 Nov 2015 07:25 am

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i am a major book worm.i love a whole range of things from vidio games to reading, from heavy metal to classical and pop music. i would like to think im al round alright but i know that isent entirely true as i am short tempered and excesively protective of my friends.the only way i can get rid of my anger is listening to music or writing it in poems.


rivers life is like a river, with turbulent rushes, the deep gloomy hollows you can choose to jump in or you can sink into a sufercating drowning depth in the end when you reach the surface you realise those swirling turents were actualy enjoyable those deep gloomy depths were just seen in the wrong light surviving all those turents resisting the voice that tells you to fail you rise reaching a lake maraculosly clear all that disturbs you are mere ripples so come, take that leap of faith join the rest of us in the warm springs of happiness where fish prance where the sun glimmers off the water like dew of the morning leaves dance with me in the springs of hope and we shall rise agains all odds

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Blog entries by Gypno

bad person (19/07/2016)

over (25/02/2016)

Going nuclear (19/01/2016)

dance (25/11/2015)

once in a dream (22/11/2015)

friends (17/11/2015)

rivers (17/11/2015)

alone (17/11/2015)

push on (16/11/2015)

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Tue 17th Nov 2015 20:43

Nice poem and imagery. Check some spellings though (sorry that's the school teacher me talking.)

Strive against all odds and thrive

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