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Healing and Dealing

Updated: Thu, 6 Apr 2023 10:53 am

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Just hear to express what is on my mind!

Ups and downs.

I caught myself smiling today I remembered a night we shared together. I want to be able to do that more often smile at a thought or memory when it comes to you. My heart can’t carry anymore hate when it comes to you any longer for now I just want to be able to smile more and cry less. Thank you for some of the best moments shared love and feelings. But thank you to my heart for healing. Today was the first time today in a long time that I was able to heal and have warmth versus hatred and heart ache. I still love you and I know I will until the die I’m not longer alive.


Today I missed you or at less than I thought it was you I missed. In fact all that I miss is the connection two people can share by just a glance into one another’s eyes. Or the touch of two hands. Or even a sweet and passionate kiss shared beneath the stars. I don’t miss what we had I missed how it made me feel. I’ll try to repeat this feeling but it will never be the same. I want that in any relationship moving forward but for now I’m not ready and I’m okay with that. I don’t hate you and I hope you find what you are looking for. You are what I was looking for. I’ll always be looking for you in whoever I’m with moving forward but for now you are who I have on my mind and my mind plays games or maybe it puts me on ease. You put me at ease. Games are all I have and for now I’m losing or I’ve lost already.

Lies we tell ourselves

I miss him. Every second of every hour. Days seem so long. It’s been months and I still hear your laugh I still miss your smile. It comes in waves most days and easier then the others but today was hard. I miss you and I know I shouldn’t.


It’s been over 5 months since I’ve seen you or heard your voice. It’s over 8 months since we decided to part ways. When I accidentally ran into you my heart stopped I didn’t know what it entail if we would exchange words or just ignore one another but we did acknowledge one another and it felt so nice. Like seeing your best friend. Laughing and reminiscing about old time it almost makes me what to believe in what could’ve been. Instead I enjoyed being in that brief moment and when I left I felt happy in a way I haven’t felt in a long time. Maybe it was just us being us like from before or maybe it was us being able to laugh and smile without all the bad feelings or hurt emotions that we left on. Seeing you hurts like hell but in that way when seeing you allows me to know what I felt for you was real regardless of how you view the situation. Seeing you was like that rush of adrenaline you getting right before the roller coaster takes that plunge. It’s not butterflies it’s that scared excitement because at that top of that ride once it’s finished that feeling goes ago. It didn’t last long but it still happened. We happened and I loved every part of it.

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