The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 47 days, 14 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Helen Calcutt

Updated: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 12:26 pm

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Helen Calcutt is a writer, dance artist and journalist. Her first collection of poetry, 'Sudden rainfall' was published by Perdika Press In September 2013. – “an experience both delightful and deliberately unsettling. Working where all is movement, where the apparent solidity of the world is disturbed by the sure spotlight of intense metaphysical probing , Calcutt’s radical diction and subtle vigour combine to teach us exactly what “happens when light changes” - Perdika Press, 2013 On Helen’s poetry: Greta Stoddart – “Very beautiful, challenging, angular, fluid; her poems weave an unusual, almost alchemical spell ” Peter Brennan, Perdika Press – “A distinctive at best, and in the best sense, uncompromising voice…” Glyn Hughes – “Illuminating” Dic Edwards - "Almost monumental" Gary Raymond, Wales Arts Review - "Helen has a distinct critical voice….she manages to merge passion with a restrained critical eye, and comes to her subject armed with a diverse range of cultural interests. Helen makes that difficult transition from artist to critic, whilst retaining the artistry that makes her insight so important in the first place." Notable journal publication can be found in The London Magazine, The Lampeter Review, Poetry Scotland, Helen Ivory’s Ink Sweat and Tears, the anthology Bugged, even the official Hansard for U.K. parliament, among others. She also writes critically for the Wales Arts Review, the Birmingham Mail, and The Birmingham Press. Helen is currently writer-in-residence of the Clent Hills, in association withThe National Trust, one of the first residencies of this kind.


Prologue I came out over the roof a red girl covered in a cling of soot rubbed off cloud. Not quite the awkward keel of the sun; nor the sunlit hymn of roads before golden traffic. With my smeared painted head waiting to be present as Moon is a priest a tome, a light mistaken for a way. Wind’s brief interlude Level with mist, light brushes the dark barrow, tent clouds over Humber. Fields heel the deep unending weather. Stripped back to enamel light and meadow-wheat, the seven breeds of waters. Each valley sculpted, ironed under three goads that threaten to snap and blow in the ether. And who is banging her hooves together? Like windchimes in dirty light who lops the brick, startles the foals? – scattering stars around a farmhouse. The tunnel’s deep, empty. Wind empties skyline of wasp, troubled locust. The horizon and its hairy feet.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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<Deleted User> (11864)

Wed 29th Jan 2014 15:05

Hi Helen. I'm pretty new to this site but I'd like to say how much I enjoy your work.

"And who
is banging her hooves together?
Like windchimes
in dirty light

who lops the brick,
startles the foals? –
scattering stars around a farmhouse."

This particular passage creates such a great mind visual.

Keep up the good work!

HC x

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Helen Calcutt

Sun 6th May 2012 11:17

Hello Ann, you can view some samples via my website. Thanks for visiting.

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Ann Foxglove

Sun 6th May 2012 09:00

Hi Helen - it would be great if you could add some of your poems to your profile page - thanks :)

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