Updated: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 05:03 pm
Life is a mystery Our tools are the mind and heart Used against eachother and you will fall They should work together to reach anything and everything Once combined you can overcome anything
We live in 2 worlds, one called our appearance how we present our self to be perceived in the world in this world , who we marry , ‘’our goals’’ and then we live in another world the real one what we truly want what we love what we desire to seek happiness , love ,friendship our reality , but we sacrifice in order to keep our appearance , we sacrifice friends , happiness sometimes love our true identity in order to fit in to this fake world , what are we really sacrificing ??? our self? We do it and we lose our identity although at the moment it seemed to make sense We find ourselves wondering who we are what is the mere purpose of our existence , They all want to be recognized as heroes but what is a hero? A person who sacrifices their wants needs and potential ? Or a person who is strong enough to fight for who they are and overcome a challenge?
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
Blog entries by HIDDENGIRL
GATEWAY (03/07/2017)
Cement (06/02/2017)
NOTHINGNESS (30/07/2013)
freedom (18/04/2013)
HOLLOW (21/03/2013)
secret (20/03/2013)
PURPLE (18/03/2013)
FORGOTTEN (14/03/2013)
EMOTION (12/03/2013)
BLURED VISION (11/03/2013)
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Rachel Bond
Tue 12th Mar 2013 00:39
thanks very much for your comments and taking time to root through...im so glad you did as it meant i had a little re read and have found i really like it actually. sometimes i throw stuff out as i mustnt want to read about some of the difficult (for me) things i write about. so re reading this was good. ill have to take a look at some of your writing too