The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 38 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Jacqueline L Elias

Updated: Tue, 8 Dec 2020 01:07 pm

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My name is Jacky. I am just a girl trying to figure out this world. Life can get hard and many times you lose yourself. Writing has helped me heal and express my emotions that I feel. I know that I am a fighter and that I am strong. I hope that others can relate to my writing and that maybe I can change someones life.


I woke up today feeling a bit numb I woke up today feeling like everything will be fine I woke up today and decided that I was done I woke up today and cried Then I looked in the mirror, I said, " Girl you look fine!" Then another voice said, " Don't you dare give up!" So I put on a happy face, And I headed out to find that girl I once was.... Happy. Beautiful. Strong And I finally saw the beauty of life

Warrior of God

"God, God!" I yelled and cried. God why have you abandoned me. I drank to see if the pain would go away. "God!," I said I still feel hurt I still feel pain! Then I finally gave up and cried for days and saw nothing but darkness Then a voice came and said, " Get up, don't give up, put on your shield, put on your armour!" The voice was mad the voice was hurt the voice was commanding me to " Get up and fight." Then the voice said " You are a warrior princess of God." I love you and the battle is not done it has just begun.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Blog entries by Jacqueline L Elias

Moon (02/08/2023)

Darkest Times (02/11/2022)

Do you ever? (02/08/2022)

Love (22/07/2022)

Teacher (25/05/2022)

Final Goodbye (11/04/2022)

Is it me? (25/03/2022)

Lost Love (06/01/2022)

Forgiveness (22/10/2021)

Rainbow (16/06/2021)

Read more entries by Jacqueline L Elias…

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Sun 2nd Feb 2020 19:52

I love Numb.

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Don Matthews

Wed 29th Jan 2020 02:31

You have it right Jacky......

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