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Janice Windle

Updated: Sat, 1 Dec 2012 03:09 pm

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Originally a painter, trained at the Central School of Art, I have retired from a teaching career and now write and paint, run a poetry performance night once a month in Guildford together with my partner the poet Dónall Dempsey, and publish poetry. I've had poems published in various anthologies and published a collection of my own called "How to Make a Dress out of Silence" which is available through in print and as a Kindle book on


The Sun's Mythology The sun is not a person. The sun does not remember its past, does not mourn its future as a shrunken dwarf; does not care for its planets or their inhabitants though in some sense the sun is probably their parent. The sun does not worry about what other stars may think as it runs a path through the teeming universe. The sun is not a god. The sun does not have obligations or responsibilities or guilt or pain; the sun is not pleased, nor grateful, nor joyful, nor sad, nor puzzled, nor vicious, nor vengeful. The sun is a ball of burning gas. The sun does not put its hat on. The sun does not come out to play. *** Small Things They made tiny books: postage stamps for covers, sewn with cotton thread, pages imprinted with spider writing: fairy tales; rule books; code books for the secret club where they met every day to swear friendship, or amend their rules, or eat chocolate biscuits from the pantry. They made maps: diagrams to show the limits of the little country that they’d found: its furthest corner the orchard harbouring dragons and the neighbour’s pigs; its royal palace the chicken coop where the eldest held her court draped in a velvet curtain its secret ministry the garden shed furnished with boxes and old cushions. They made dams: complex structures of stones and feathers, seaweed, flotsam, sand, diverting the sewage-tainted flow that ran towards the overwhelming sea. They had a little dog who found them, scrambled on laps, snuffled fleas he’d picked up in the grass, scratched at the henhouse door when their council sat. Books, maps, dams, dog: none large enough to change the mortal facts; none small enough ever to be forgotten. ******* This is not a Room (nor a Magritte) "Why 'n'chya come up and see me sometime?" pouted the strawberry sofa. Floods glared on the golden boards and outside the dogs of war barked as always. In the wings Dalí twirled his Victorian villain moustache. "Caramba!" he exclaimed in comic-book Spanish. "Saint Freud was right! The persistence of memory opens the door to the room where Bluebeard stores his bloodied brides!" The sofa sighed. "Why 'n'chya put down that crutch and come'n lie down, baby?"

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.


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Ann Foxglove

Tue 13th Nov 2012 08:22

Hi Janice - nice to see you posting. It's true what you say about putting everything online when you may want to enter it in a comp. Often people don't realise that doing this counts as being published - though some do argue the point! Good luck with the pop ups too :)

BTW if you want to reply to somebody on here it's best to post your reply on their page - I nearly missed your comment here.

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Janice Windle

Sat 10th Nov 2012 10:41

Thanks, Anne. I was on here before but in the persona of Pop Up Poetry. I couldn't change the clown logo photo I'd originally put on and in the end deleted the whole profile to do it! I've made a group profile on here for Pop Up Poetry now - I have 71 on my Facebook group of that name but I don't know if they will join Write out Loud as well.

I shall put poems on every now and then, on the blog, though I'm wary of publishing online too much in case I want to enter a competition or submit to a publisher.

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Ann Foxglove

Sat 10th Nov 2012 07:11

Hi Janice - a warm welcome to WOL. I loved the poem about the den! I remember friends and I had a secret society for a while. I decided to sign some message in blood but cheated and used blood from a nose bleed! (Too much info - sorry :) It'd be nice to see some of your poems on the blogs second. Hope you enjoy the site!

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Janice Windle

Fri 9th Nov 2012 18:56

Thank you, Julian. I shall set up a group as you suggest. For samples, I'll put links to our videos on You Tube if that's possible

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Julian (Admin)

Fri 9th Nov 2012 17:23

Hi Janice
A lovely, Blytonesque, piece there. It's good to see you on here. Greg speaks highly of your Guildford night and it would be interesting to hear/read more about it.

Re the photos, do you fancy adding some basic information about them: date and name of event, name of reader, etc?

You know, if you fancy creating a Pop up poetry group profile you could invite your regulars to become members, thus giving you a simple means of messaging them all, telling them of the photos, so forth.

A thought anyhow.



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