The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

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John Turner

Updated: Sun, 25 Aug 2019 08:54 am

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All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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<Deleted User> (7164)

Tue 2nd Nov 2010 21:53

Hi, just here to let you know i've removed some of my older comments on your profile as they are back in the spotlight since you updated it. Hope you are well ;-)

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John Togher

Tue 13th Apr 2010 22:25

Hiya John, yes, that is my email below. Get in touch and we'll work something out.

Pete Crompton

Sat 3rd Apr 2010 15:47

John, try leavin a message on his profile, im sure his email was ''
hoping all is well with you, been too long

<Deleted User> (7766)

Wed 24th Feb 2010 00:20

Just thought I'd comment to say I read your poetry and thoroughly enjoyed it! Especially The Seedling and Letting Go of the Lotus Flower. Thanks for sharing!

Pete Crompton

Sat 20th Feb 2010 18:51

John, looking forward to getting a slot for you at one of the Tudors Acoustic Nights, I shall contact John Togher. Yes, would love to download your new 12 piece collection.
hoping we can meet at a gig soon

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John Turner

Wed 17th Feb 2010 12:44

Also, I wouldn't necessarily bear in mind your suggestions for how I should view the work, as such an exercise is very much down to the critic and reader. :)

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John Turner

Wed 17th Feb 2010 12:43

Personally, I feel that iambic pentameter is a little outmoded anyway. Really, the final version of your poem, and the placement of everything, is down to you. I'm afraid I don't have enough time to do something indepth due to me being a busy f/t teacher. These dropped-in comments during breaks allow me a few moments but something larger would be a different thing altogether.

<Deleted User> (7164)

Tue 16th Feb 2010 11:08

Hi John, thanks for looking at and commenting on my 'Metal Tiger Roars in' poem, and from a different angle too.
Although i don't take kindly to abrupt, harsh critique, i do appreciate and value the considered approach and comment on the structure and technical merits. I've only very recently started to practice with meter based on Stephen Fry's book i have to add. Most of my poetry is written after quiet meditation so i feel it is more spiritually guided. Even that appears flawed because the human element naturally takes over when writing the piece.

I see what you mean about the ending of the poem. I believe that even a tiger would have some vulnerability when injured, literally or in the metaphorical sense. :-)

Thanks again, I needed a comment like yours to spur me on. I worked hard on it and it's the longest piece i've ever written so good to know it didn't go lame.

ps. I like your bio, i can relate to some of it.

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winston plowes

Sat 13th Feb 2010 23:55

Hi John... Glad you liked H#4. I may well deploy it as you suggest. Win.

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winston plowes

Sun 7th Feb 2010 22:47

John... Just read again 'the seedling' in your samples. Some fantastic tracts in this one. Win

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John Turner

Sun 17th Jan 2010 11:03

Yeah, that's fine. I feel 'nowt' detracts from the power of the poem but as with all assessments, mine is as subjective (and as faulty) as the next person's.

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chris stevenson

Sun 17th Jan 2010 10:37

..thanks for the comment John...yes, I wrote it very quickly and so won't be changing any words (including 'nowt')..if you look at chris co's comment he advised lots of edits which I don't can't edit a sudden verbal outburst, so why this?..having said that I am re-assessing stuff I wrote in my 20s...but I wasn't so concerned with life's mistakes and errors then..!

<Deleted User> (7075)

Mon 11th Jan 2010 18:40

Hi John. Keep looking, keep blogging and we will keep reading.

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John Turner

Mon 11th Jan 2010 11:57

In the preview section on this site, the poem shows in a different format than what is actually published. I shortened 'your' to 'ur' so that the sentence fitted on the correct line. That said, I bet e.e. cummings (no caps needed) would probably be well into text spk, not to mention ur instead of your. So I'm allowed too! As regards whether this poem would work more as a blog, I disagree - my style of verse is often conversational and short on the usual poetic gestures. It's just how I tend to write. I suppose the more laboured ones will come across more immediately as 'poetic.' Many thanks for your comments. I will check out your work soon.

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Ann Foxglove

Mon 11th Jan 2010 09:47

Hi John. I didn't notice any cliches in Left Over. Maybe this poemwould make a good blogg? Somehow it seemed hard to comment on the one you chose as it seemed more of a statement. Is "ur vicious" etc right or should it be "your"? Anyway, good poem I thought. And welcome too.

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John Turner

Sun 10th Jan 2010 22:02

Hey. I'm not quite sure of the cliches you're speaking of but I will take another look. I composed the poem in about ten minutes and so perfection wasn't expected. I'll give it a re-edit at some point. Thanks for your comments.

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Graham Sherwood

Sun 10th Jan 2010 21:58

Hello John. WOL can't find friends for you but you'll certainly get some honest comments about the work you post up. There are some great lines in Left Over. Drop a few of the cliches and concentrate on your own strong words. Oh and welcome of course.

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