The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 38 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Updated: Sun, 16 Jan 2011 10:05 pm

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Enjoying mucking about creatively with words!


Succour You catch their eye, then flutter your wings and every guy is drawn in close, moths to the light. Mesmerised by pink and purple frippery. A glittery frenzy of ecstasy. Hooked on delight despite sensing certain danger, they give you a line and chameleon-like you snort and feign a bite. I see the latest soppy dope duped and bewitched by the smile that drips from your lips as you slip him that flirty look and move those hips and twirl your skirt. You take the trip then flit to the next poor fool. Dirty girl. Beneath your hard worn mask of command and blotchy tan lies just another toxic frolic as you strut and cheat and leap and suck thru your teeth and demand and demand and demand. and fuck them up. I’ve seen them all. In your wake their dreams lie in tatters, hopes scattered at your feet- and still they quake in your presence. You, high on omnipotence. They,left low, who lust and love and long for a morsel. The tragic truth is crystal clear. Each methodical destruction of your prey is your own acid corrosion. Trapped in an empty shell. No chemical escape from a wasted life.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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