The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

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Katrina Brown

Updated: Thu, 8 Feb 2018 06:08 pm

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I enjoy reading and writing. I love journaling my thoughts and I sometimes express them through poetry. Any feedback would be appreciated


People want something from me. They pull and pull and it's draining me. I can't fully understand or comprehend what it is they see. The funny thing is I remember when I was the black sheep. Now I feel I have to watch the way I live but they keep pulling and pulling until I have no more to give. I wish I could see what they see but once again all I can feel is them draining the life out of me. So I retreat I gin home but they just won't leave me alone. I sit here tired drained mentally. I feel everything they say so deep. My phone is still ringing text won't stop. What do they need why won't they just take heed. I want to be left alone to my own thoughts watch tv and forget that people actually need me. It just comes with so much responsibility. I turn off my phone and the lights but the problems they've burdened me with keeps me up all night. To to top it all off my lover my best friend my God won't let me sleep. He whispers in my ear let me use thee. But I'm tired Lord I have nothing left to give why don't everybody just chill. He won't leave me alone. I can't tell a story tho when He speaks I feel peace in my home. I feel His burden but it's so light compared to the people around me whose burdens keep me up at night. Sometimes my lover whispers in my ear just to let me know He is always near. I have need of you princess. I just feel so drained I fear I will fail this test. He said it's not you they want or need, it's the light inside you quit complaining and just lead. I am not just near you I am in you. I am the light that shines bright, the Glory they seek after without my light you would be a nonfactor. Can't you see while you're helping my people I take care of your needs. Although I do require you sometimes, it's only so that I can strengthen your heart and mind. Only what you do for me will last and no did you like that when you were pulling on them in the past. I love you, you love me and it's my Glory they seek. You have to serve the needs of others to please me. Honestly the more I use you the more I will require of you. You may get tired but you were chosen isn't that cool. So quit complaining I've already explained this. You are mine and I will use you anytime. Like it or not I will make you a yielded vessel why are you insisting on trying to wrestle. So suck it up little girl together we are going to change the world.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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