The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Kim Whysall-Hammond

Updated: Mon, 2 Oct 2017 04:08 pm

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I am an astronomer, who ended up working in IT (specifically data networking). It was all due to my love of SF and huge machines, which in the 1980s was considered very strange for a ‘girl’. As a result of my passions and experiences, it seems that I can find beauty and interest in what others often consider strange places. I have always written poetry but until recently it has been covert and hidden away. I started my poetry blog in earnest in late 2015 and have now been published by the Silver Birch Press, Ink Sweat and Tears, Three Drops from a Cauldron, Peacock Journal, Your One Phonecall, In Between Hangovers and Amaryllis.


Only Exmoor Only Exmoor stretches out to embrace the whole sky in its immensity Reflects its moods and colours, its nurture and destruction Only the moor is as fickle as the sky Today the moor is swallowed as clouds subsume the uplands Yesterday it shed water like the clouds themselves Tomorrow it will shimmer with heat, dry and unforgiving Trees hide in hollows, afraid to stand in the open Sheep bones litter the spring hillsides Peaty silty bogs nestle with gorse , bracken and heather Only Exmoor reaches out to bleed the very rain from the sky To lie seeming gentle with its folds and billows, green fields abutting the heather Then to gladly accept the gifts of deadly snow, killing floods, baking heat Broken cable In the middle of the bright Atlantic Floating on the swell between island volcanoes  Looking past reflective surface tension To silvered gas bubbles beneath catching the light And across the issuing rift A long snake of data cable Broken sheared twisted. As the gas breaks the surface We hear voices Blogs bubbling to the top Instructions to buy or sell A thousand tiny voices Sparkling in the sunshine Several parrot fish swim by Next day when snorkelling I fancy I hear fish blogging

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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kJ Walker

Mon 4th Sep 2017 19:43

Hi Kim, thanks for taking the time to comment on I've got a better car than you. I'm glad you liked it
Cheers Kevin

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Tue 30th May 2017 21:42

Thank you so much fot your kind words Kim. I shall do just that ?

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keith jeffries

Fri 26th May 2017 21:15

Kim, thanks for your advice on Imagination. Much appreciated. Keith

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keith jeffries

Fri 26th May 2017 10:32

Kim, Thank you for your kind comment on my Poem Waves. I appreciate this. Keith

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