The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Marina T

Updated: Thu, 16 Jan 2020 11:50 am

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Decided to try out something new. A lot of my poems are based on my own mental health experiences, but I also write poems about whatever else I feel like. I've been writing stories since I was six, but have only taken the plunge into the world of poetry in the past few years. I hope to raise awareness about mental health issues, in addition to entertaining anyone who is willing to read my poems :)


darkness we are pitiful creatures blinded by the light yearning to understand the parables of life we are the blind we are the deaf we do not know what the day is yet we are burnt by innocence our shackles are to sin our yoke is immorality black desires bloom within free us from these works these hands this mind this heart set us apart for good just as You said You would.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Blog entries by Marina T

Numb (13/01/2020)

OCD. (07/01/2020)

home. (17/12/2019)

the wonky wheeled trolley (04/12/2019)

anxiety. (12/10/2019)

Sinner (06/10/2019)

As The Sun Rises (30/09/2019)

Psychotic Girl (15/09/2019)

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Marina T

Sun 16th Feb 2020 08:28

Apologies for the late reply Cynthia!

I wrote darkness about being in the dark about my faith and trying to do good


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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sat 18th Jan 2020 16:57

Beautiful picture above. I'm not sure I appreciate the symbolism. But I really do think it IS symbolism. The dark berries, being eaten or spat out? I'm really interested.

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