The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Matt Tyldesley

Updated: Thu, 16 Aug 2018 08:24 am


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I'm fairly new to sharing my work with anyone, but there's only so long you can keep writing to yourself before it spills out. I'm writing a couple of children's books, and tend to procrastinate often by writing short poems about this and that. I try to stay away from the dark side because life's hard enough, so hopefully if you read something of mine it will raise a smile. I'm open to feedback so please be as honest and open as you can. You learn more from your mistakes, after all.


Busy switching lanes, the cars they chop and change, except for one curious driver who seems to stay the same. And over the miles our bond is built, either through familiarity or some form of guilt. But as I wonder my head starts to tilt; could this relationship last forever, without some wobble or wilt? With neither of us knowing when or where the other one is going, the road comes to a stop - and indicators start glowing. You signal your intention, and so I signal mine. Could this be a love story, symbolic of our time? I'm overcome with feeling, as I bask in your amber shine. Could it be our destiny, as stars and cars align? Our signals blink a harmony. A symphony that sings into my ears. But as we click our rhythms slip, in moments that flash like years. From where I’m sat it's you who changed. Your tick is now my tock. But you might say it’s all my fault, the trailing sheep who lost his flock. But now I see it all so clear, we've signalled a different direction. I guess we move to pastures new, and leave this grieving intersection. So you go your way and I’ll go mine, and don't you worry - I’ll be just fine. I just need space and you need time, and... oh look! Another car's signalling the same direction as mine....

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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<Deleted User> (19836)

Thu 16th Aug 2018 12:17

Thank you Matt for commenting on my poem. Your thoughts are welcomed and appreciated! Jane?

Frances Macaulay Forde

Sat 21st Jul 2018 02:49

I love you sample, 'Busy switching lanes...', Matt!
Such an intimate journey - moments caught perfectly in very clever rhyme.
I will make sure I read more of your words and have now added you to my favourites.

<Deleted User> (19836)

Wed 18th Jul 2018 09:15

Matt, "Thank you" seems so frivolous in comparison to the comments you have written referencing "The Beach". But, nonetheless I do thank you. Your comments give me the courage to plow forward with my writings in the hope that someday I may have something published.

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Don Matthews

Wed 18th Jul 2018 05:21

I've just come across you Matt. Another rhymer to enjoy. Your sample to me was clever. You intertwined clever rhyme with message. Something not easy to do when creating good rhyme.

Pleased to make your acquaintance

Don ?

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keith jeffries

Fri 11th May 2018 08:58

thank you for commenting on my poem The Suburban Jungle. It is much appreciated.

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