The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Michelle Cote

Updated: Mon, 21 Feb 2022 03:20 pm

Contact via WOL logo


I am a poet, I love to write and do so from my heart. I am a 67 years old, retired from a career as a legal assistant and am looking forward to having more time to working on my writing skills. I have been crafting poems for only about the last 4 years or so and I would love some feedback on my work to help me grow as a writer. I know the best way to learn is to read and I am very much looking forward to reading the work of others.


Eternity in a Teacup Trust and acceptance, A microcosm of eternity in a tea cup. Mist rising above the warm river In a cold autumn morning is A gift of dependability, its existence subtly proves a force and a Fact indisputable. Duck wings and long necks stretched out in flight, silhouetted against the gray sky, Are an acceptance of what there is… now, without question, To question would mean to fall To fall from the sky with only their doubts to save them. My directionless ramblings in words and thoughts Become the transcript of my search. Just as the crumpled texture of a double-sided, hand written note is A physical manifestation of my thoughts and the background noise of my being.

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All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Blog entries by Michelle Cote

Time Will Tell (01/04/2022)

One Last Time (20/02/2022)

Up Close (12/06/2021)

They Are Everywhere (11/06/2021)

haiku (07/06/2016)

I Can't (06/06/2016)

Sunrise Lover (04/06/2016)

Blog link:

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Sat 12th Jun 2021 10:19

thanks for your comments on "Staying Home".

(your photo is a bit blurry, or is it just my eyes.)

Do you have a new cote?


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Scattered Sun

Sat 12th Jun 2021 03:53

Hi Michelle! Thank you for taking the time to comment on my recent post. I truly appreciate the feedback!

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suki spangles

Mon 13th Jun 2016 04:46

Hi Michelle, Thank you for commenting on my recent poem. Best wishes, Suki

<Deleted User> (9882)

Wed 8th Jun 2016 20:12

with a gorgeous smile like yours Michelle,how could anybody not welcome you,which I do,and hope you have fun reading and posting.


<Deleted User> (13947)

Wed 8th Jun 2016 17:32

Hey Michelle, those feelings in Internal Attack depend on the day I guess. Some days are harder than others. Thank you for commenting xx

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Robert Mann

Mon 6th Jun 2016 17:44

Michelle - thanks for commenting on 'Pinot Grigio' and welcome to WOL. You will find a broad spectrum of work on here, so don't be afraid to post your own. The audience are usually quite kind and in some cases very very helpful.

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Jade Kelly

Sat 4th Jun 2016 18:19

Thankyou for your comment on my Assumptions poem. It means more to me than anyone could know that somebody gets something, whatever that something is, from a topic so close to my heart. I am hoping to write more on topics similar to this to raise awareness and understanding in a positive way!

Thankyou again for your comment Michelle,
Take care

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