The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Michelle Smith

Updated: Thu, 24 Nov 2016 08:43 pm

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A poet who dreams in colour, author and deep thinker. Welcome to my world, where each poem tells a story about life.


Excerpt from the book 'Unapologetic Poetry' by Michelle Smith ‘Autumn’ (In loving memory of baby Autumn) After summer, autumn had finally come. I looked forward to your presence and the joy that you would bring. I would never have imagined the many hearts that you would fill. After summer came the autumn breeze. We all anxiously awaited the arrival of autumn, and the wonderful arrays of colours that it would bring. Crisp golden brown leaves, of yellow, burgundy, orange and red, vibrant in colour; proudly displaying a spectacular show for all to see. Trees that were once fully clothed became naked, because of the autumn breeze. Leaves that were once radiant soon fell to the ground becoming part of the dust. After summer, autumn finally came. Graced by your brief presence, you brought everyone together. Every angry thought dispersed, and every grudge was laid to rest because of you. In life you warmed the hearts of many. But like the summer sun your presence was only for a time. Like the autumn breeze, you blew beyond the clouds reaching the heavens. Safe, loved and in the hands of HIM that made you. After summer, autumn finally came. (Autumn 2015)

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Michelle Smith

Sat 26th Nov 2016 17:30


Not everyone dreams in colour, nor views the world in this way.
For some, the world is simply black and white.
I have chosen 'Unapologetic Poetry' as a title for my book, because there are poems which can take people out of their comfort zone; it challenges undesirable behaviours, attitudes, mentalities, acts of superiority, and preconceptions. These poems rock the boat, but at that the same time it addresses issues that some people still face.
I don't applogise for my poems - it is based on life experiences and the experience of those involved in my life, hence the reason for the title.

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Fri 25th Nov 2016 16:28

Dreaming in colour is a rarity, isn't it? I also dream in colour; no idea why, presuming a perfectly viable, scientific reason. But then, I'm very sensitive to colour in every waking hour, thrillingly so.

I don't know anyone who apologises for their poetry. Why do you call yours 'unapologetic'? The phrase is 'catchingly' alliterative.

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Sun 20th Nov 2016 12:58

Thank you so much Michelle for appreciating my poem.

I read your sample poem " Life is too short" and I must say it's very inspiring.


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