The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Updated: Fri, 21 Sep 2018 08:04 pm

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Hey, fancy that you taking time from your day to stop by! I appreciate it, but please take it easy on me.. I'm a very sensitive girl by default. I'm a strong believer of "If it doesn't rhyme, It's not poetic". I started writing poetry when I was about 15, (I'm 24 now)I went through some troubling times and expressing myself through wit and rhyme really cleared the waters. You can call me L since it is the first initial to my name. I like astrology (Im a Gemini), healthy eating (im vegan), making last minute plans, taking naps, walking my dogs, watching movies, playing video games, dancing, releasing creative thoughts and ideas on paper, and making people laugh. I'm not only a poet, but a baker, an artist, a model, song writer, and digital artist as well. I have a very kind heart and a warm nature. I'm horrible at explaining myself through speaking, comes out like a big mess. I really feel poetry is a purpose in my life. My poems can be very diverse, I like to write about love, thoughts, feelings, stories, positivity, and over coming hard times. I'm my purest self through writing. I hope my poems catch your eye.


"Open heart gift" I like to show that I'm trying, I give you the proof so you know I'm not lying, you've had it bad before, leaving your heart slightly torn, I'll put on my nurse uniform and cure you like no ones done before

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Big Sal

Sun 31st Dec 2017 01:19

Nice, strong belief if, "If it doesn't rhyme, it is not poetic." Very true indeed to my ears, even if others on here don't think so.

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Fri 3rd Nov 2017 08:32

Hey been awhile since I've posted on here, have not stopped writing tho! Will be uploading new poems very shortly, please stand by.???

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Stuart Bright

Fri 20th Jan 2017 06:34

Hey L, welcome to WOL!

You manage to pack a lot of content into such small poems! Love what you've added so far and I look forward to your future posts.

Thanks for sharing.


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Thu 19th Jan 2017 12:29

Both my poems I shared tonight were written tonight.. no sleep and dark coffee are to thank lol

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