Odd Chap
Updated: Thu, 26 May 2022 12:31 pm
Mid 30’s male. English. No education beyond GCSE. No idea what I’m talking about, but I have a desire to express myself with words.
Why is there something rather than nothing? Can God exist in a world full of suffering? Can it be, stuff just exists? Is there meaning when chaos persists? This unknown knowledge is my deepest desire Am I weak for seeking a messiah? Fear of the abyss, picturing the end Infinite oblivion, death with no end Completely terrifying in the minds eye So one may ask, why do I pry? Live for the moment not for the morrow Why fill you head with unrealised sorrow? Impossible I say to ignore it completely But I mustn’t be consumed and let it defeat me Look inside for a reason to keep living Be moral, be kind, keep working and giving It doesn’t matter what happens at the end There’s a universe of love in family and friends Still, my mind wanders to dying alone That fateful day, will I see a throne?
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
Blog entries by Odd Chap
Nakedly walk (26/05/2022)
Why? (25/05/2022)
Not convinced (25/05/2022)
Just Enough Braincells (25/05/2022)
Blog link: https://www.writeoutloud.net/blogs/oddchap
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