The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 31 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Paul A M Palmer

Updated: Sat, 7 Feb 2015 12:40 pm

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I live and work in Coventry. I have been writing poetry on and off for years, but recently I have at last managed to compose and compile my poems with some regularity. My main genre is centred around the Great War, a theme which found me rather than the other way around. My Grandfather fought in the Great War - he lied about his age and had a rather interesting army career, signing up for 7 years in 1914. My first Great War poem was based upon on this lie and, together with other artefacts of his, it inspired me to explore the genre more widely. I've just published a volume of my own Great War poetry, 'To End All Wars', which is already on iBooks and on my self-publisher's website ( I have two further volumes which I'm currently editing, although I get the feeling that I'm not yet finished with this theme. I've given a couple of recitals recently: Warwick Words Festival and at the Waterstone's Piccadilly store in London (there's a link to the video of that on my home page). My blog (home page) has some examples of my other work and I'll be adding to it as time (and rhyme?) allows. I'm indebted to my lovely wife and family for the encouragement and support they give me in developing and promoting my work. Paul A M Palmer


The November of Her Day She saw a Cloud In a cloudless, clear blue sky And closed the curtains Against the November of her day Unscrewed the bottle top Poured out her feelings, then lay Down – She heard the traffic Passing by – the noise a constant Buzzing in her head Before Oblivion comes calling, Calling out her name (A name that she forgets) And adding to the list Of things that she regrets

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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