The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 31 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Alexandra Lorenz

Updated: Fri, 17 Jun 2016 07:41 pm

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I seek expression and connection. I believe words are vital in accomplishing both goals. My poems are dramatizations of the "real me". Writing about my emotions and thoughts in a heightened fashion keeps me honest and critical. I want to find out if I believe there is Truth with a capital "T" or only our own constructed and distorted versions of reality. Finally, I love the shape of the words I choose. Ultimately, I want someone to get pleasure out of these random phrases.


Mr. Man What pain do you have that is so great that you must expel it with such explosion? Ripping, shredding through our hopes and dreams, our rights to life love and the pursuit of happiness lay in pools of red on the floor. Mr. Man What face do you wear? Today I see you are one form, tomorrow another. We are tempted to hate you, label you, unmask you, but each time we reach out our hands to pull away your disguise we find you have changed forms. Mr. Man Why must we meet again? Bombarded with your prayers and thoughts, we are left full of emptiness and empty of fullness. Pieces of broken hearts you failed to recognize as kin to your own. Who do you love in this world? You left before you even saw the redness begin to dry. And we are still here, trying to scrub the hatred you spilled until we can call ourselves white again, proud again, clean again. As if we ever were. Mr. Man I saw you arrive in the night. Hoping to remain unnamed, you know it is easier to hate the ones you have never met. Mr. Man I am you and you are all of us. You picked up a gun and I chose this pen. We fight for what is right, whatever the fuck that means.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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John Cancel

Sun 19th Jun 2016 04:32


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Stu Buck

Fri 17th Jun 2016 21:03

thanks for reading and commenting on my work. i am currently enjoying your piece 'on the fly' you have a very easy style, a touch of bukowski but with a modern, weariness a bit like mira gonzales or tao lin. great stuff.

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