The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Paul Conneally

Updated: Tue, 5 Jan 2010 03:03 pm

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Paul Conneally is a poet / artist from Sheffield now living in Loughborough. Paul is mainky known for haiku, tanka and renga as well as associated Japanese forms. He often works collaboratively. He has become associated with the modern situationist movement and many of his works / performances include psychogeographic explorations of the landscape both urban and contryside.


Bach Flower Remedies : 38 Haiku --- Yew Trees a yew tree standing in its own darkness you notice him in a crowded room everyone does we were so much alike he even shared my make-up a young man standing in his own darkness solitary tree of vast circumference evening shadows he stayed with me for the first few months but then he left a man like him needs space we live in one bedroom solitary boy in the shopping mall a few loose coins pillared shade four trees with huge trunks of intertwisted fibres we come here often resting under the yew trees on the old park bench his dad comes sometimes when he remembers pillared shade he makes this weeks rent in the coppice below the branches grassless floor of red and brown leaf litter he's a good baby never causes a big fuss just like his dad was according to grandma he can already say "dad" below the branches grassless floor of needles and swabs END

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Paul Conneally

Mon 11th Jan 2010 09:02

Thanks Janet!

<Deleted User> (7164)

Sat 9th Jan 2010 20:22

Hi Paul,
just want to say i've read your Bach Remedy haiku. Every one of them and i love them. Great simplistic photographic images also. I'm pleased you didn't use the traditional form 5-7-5 for these. They're wild flowers and need to be free.


<Deleted User>

Mon 13th Apr 2009 16:02


I am very interested in your biography and esp. the collaborative work you do. I have started some collaborative work but only for the page, not performance ( yet!) and it is not easy.

nice to 'meet you' and thank you for reading my work

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winston plowes

Mon 13th Apr 2009 10:19

Hi Paul
thankyou for your comments and useful suggestions on "Where there's hope"

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