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Rachel Lawson

Updated: Sat, 4 Dec 2021 02:54 pm


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Rachel is a lover of gothic poetry and the stories of Emilly Dickensen, Poe, and other poets and writers. she writes in a gothic sometimes romantic, and somewhat eclectic style. She likes to do a good job in whatever she does, and she tried her hand from amateur Magic to designing objects for 3d printing. She has loved writing since primary school at high school she wrote plays and wrote short stories and made her essays look like books she has been in training for quite a while. She first wrote about the magicians in her teens. She devised Stand and Deliver: In The Moonlight in her 20's as a short story and re-wrote the story in her 40's. She wrote poetry and story into her 20's and took a break from writing for a few years while she helped out as a stage assistant in a local theatre. In her 30's she discovered and has written there ever since. She loves to write books, has podcasts, and even made audiobooks. She wrote Vivienne and the reaper her tale of life, love, and death as a collection of poems for Allpoetry contests and added them together into one collected short story. Rachel is a poet-writer versed in prose as much as she is rhyme. She loves to weave words and for the most part has no idea where the words are leading her to, she finds it the fun way to write. In author's words on her writing style from her poem The Flow of Magical Words. "I love words, which pour easily from my pen, when I put pen to paper a world of words does open, it flows on the page it's soul mate, though no one can read the scrawl of words which well inside and opens a gate, out comes beauty, rhymes of passion, sage words and gloom, rhyming poem, deathly prose dark as the hand of doom, the right word is magic in my hand, like a lover sigh lightly fanned." Rachel's poems are on google play music and iTunes music also on amazon digital music in audio and Kobo too. Rachel is also webmaster to her own poetry website contact her via email there. Rachel is a distant relative and big fan of the famous but little know writer Fanny Burney who wrote Evelina who inspired Jane Austin. To learn of her google her name to find her book look on amazon she's everywhere. Rachel doesn't do live gigs. What she does is publishes books and online and has various podcasts about her work. writes here Amazon authors page Podcast

Wispy white cotton candy clouds

Wispy white cotton candy clouds sail upon a sky of zenith blue, flying over fields of green, the clouds turn grey and water the fields below, they skip over oceans, rivers, and seas, in the breeze, float over cities and towns, like waves, they blow over deserts dry, raining down on forests and tropics hard, they are hard things clouds know, plane above and through them fly, clouds feed tree and grass with rain, rain freezes into snow and coarse frozen hail, there are many types of clouds, tempestuous storm, fluffy non-rain clouds, clouds like paintings, grayish tinged rain clouds, others look like waves in the sea, people see in them images of things, which aren't there, still more try to predict them, and some do fail, clouds are amazing things.

Author advise (updated version of all in one page from my website how to publish free book)

A few places to sell books and downloads for free and how to make them. Smashwords need tax no. price free Smashwords publishes here Apple IBook, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo You can get a free author's interview here. Example here Amazon you can publish too for free. to for kindle and print Kindle has apps to make ebooks, comics, and picture books also can add sound and video to kindle books. Lulu Lulu needs tax info price for publishing free Lulu can get shop like this shows an example of a book mine, and after proof bought and revised to good book you can Sell on Lulu, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and more books and ebooks. ( but my poems book didn't work in ebook) you can sell on Lulu without tax info filed just you won't be paid. Cdbaby : Audio downloads for sale posted everywhere or spoken word poems on this site and paid you can post to nearly everywhere get cd and records of your work just copy your poem to here have a voice read it or you read it and save output and convert to flac 16bit 44100 hz stereo with this and create an account here and create cheap albums and single solds on the cd baby and other sites! pay in bank account or with posted checks in us dollars. and within 4 days your bio will appear and your work appears 2 days after posting. Making text to speech conversions for posting and so on for posting on SoundCloud and other audio places or making audio for readings videos for Vimeo or youtube you can make audio of poems with help of has real-sounding voices. Wattpad Ebook site Another free publishing site is here not a regular book site It is an eBook library Wattpad it is free too and has a google play and apple Itunes App you sign up and add your poems as a book and you can share it with people over the web. with wattpad app and their is a cover app for wattpad you need to apply cover with wattpad beta on itunes or android devices. you can add cover on the computer too this is an example Publishing tips for people who want to publish Kobo just need cover and payee details. sign up here Draft to Digital publish everywhere needs tax details to pay sign up here to use findawayvoices for free Findaway voices make an audiobook of your books they have readers or read yourself read yourself is free to publish everywhere you can listen to your book on kobo app. note they like audible where can publish need real voices not text to speech readers. free audio editor good for editiing audio books componants. Canva free place to make book covers with royalty-free pictures UnSplash another free royalty-free picture place not updated but it another helpful note "write your way out of writer's block" Won't work for uninspired, I just write when I get Writer's block so I don't get out of practice like well now my head is like a faceless puppet sock as I said in a piece about Writer's block I lost my talent for writing my interests are elsewhere a rhyming dictionary can help you find the first line then a line that runs with that with matching rhyme and so on and so forth I recommend writing your way through Writer's block and the use of a rhyming dictionary.

Audio books made easy

To make audiobook there are 4 ways 1 pay someone to read on Findaway voices 2 get a friend to read. 3 Read yourself. 4 or if you want to publish in places where a human voice is not a requirement like audible or findaway voices use or ivona voices the best text to speech voices work with and cdbaby sites where you can upload txt2speech reading of poems and stories to other sites. from text to speech good on youtube videos as audio and sound cloud they are directly uploaded. Findaway voices site cost money to use unless you sign up with Draft to Digital first. But is free if you upload own voice files if you sign in with Draft to Digital first. Then if you decide to get a pro reader it will cost money. you need a cover for audiobook which can be made with canva, gimp, and or photoshop. gimp and canva are being free. Photoshop is a paid software. It all matters what you have access to. This being what menu for Findawayvoice audiobook making Needed to be paid are tax and bank details. but the book goes everywhere. including nook and kobo. good if you want to buy the book yourself. The audiobook needs to be added on fav in parts with a promo ad which may be used by site uploaded to. reverbnation and cbdbaby audio is made as one part without promo. I am and have alway been bad at reading aloud so I use find away voices a lot but they do go down sporadically but they come back. I am now in the process of reading a new book which I am putting on find away voices a short story. As I said I have reading problems I am reading it in parts 1 (read) A tall handsome man in a black shirt and pants with glasses sat in his dingy little office. He was scribbling on papers with some skill with a black quill and ink. He stopped when he heard his son Lance arguing with his assistant outside the office. 2 "Go away Necromancer he's working!" Blake Alexander heard his assistant shouting. "But I have to see him it is important!" Lance shouted back. Blake got up walked to the door and opened it standing in the door way he asked why they were arguing. 3 "He wanted to disturb you from your important work," Dante, Blake's assistant said. Lance glared at Dante. "But this is important!" said Lance. and so on it's good for editing out mistakes and not hard for me to compile and read. I read that off allpoetry page on a quiet divice and into another in this case a tablet with a good audio dictation program. I email myself the audio files to a computer and edit them with ocenaudio a good audio editor. I created a file like this Copy and paste the parts together another good thing about the reading in parts thing is you can find the parts for prom easier. Testing online site with audio editing software online edits 3D Audio Auto Panner Bass Booster BPM Detector Converter Equalizer Key Detector Noise Reducer Pitch Shifter adds Reverb (room noise echo) removes Reverb (room noise echo) Reverse Audio Spectrogram Image Stereo Panner Tempo Changer Trimmer / Cutter Vocal Remover Volume Changer Waveform Image more tips Draft to Digital publish everywhere needs tax details to pay sign up here to use findawayvoices for free Findaway voices make an audiobook of your books they have readers or read yourself read yourself is free to publish everywhere you can listen to your book on kobo app. note they like audible where can publish need real voices not text to speech readers. free audio editor good for editing audiobooks components. Canva free place to make book covers with royalty-free pictures bit like photoshop with pictures need to sign up to keep old work but it's free to use UnSplash another free royalty-free picture place I point of note this is Audible's publishing site only residents of us, uk, canada and Ierland can sell books on it but podcasts on some podcasting site allow podcasts to their site which has no country of origin so Australian run podcasts can be seen on Amazon and Audible such as this one from Podbean originally and this which originates on soundcloud just redirected a bit. for podcasts recommeded by me are podbean and spreaker podcast site. amazon authors can sign up for own free book page with all kindle, Audible and Audible linked podcasts and other versions of their book published there, on also has videos audios, blog or or podast feeds link to the page example of authors page she is classical writer curated other mine just a modern author run one more writers help audiobook working notes example

sites and programs recommended by Rachel

I recommend and grammar checkers and online rhyming dictionary this is good for editing and audio recommends English British readers.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Audio entries by Rachel Lawson

Whispers from Pandemonium or Once In a Blue Midnight (07/12/2021)

The People From The Center of the Earth (06/12/2021)

The scariest monsters are the ones that lurk within our souls (06/12/2021)

Requiem (06/12/2021)

Sky Diamonds (05/12/2021)

The Mystery of Night (05/12/2021)

Ghost Light (05/12/2021)

The Reign of Rain (05/12/2021)

Death's Token (05/12/2021)

The world is a stage, but the play is badly cast. (05/12/2021)

More audio from Rachel Lawson…

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