The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

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Raeniya Drumgoole

Updated: Thu, 8 Oct 2020 10:37 pm

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I am Raeniya J Drumgoole a 14 year old, who lives is Rochester Ny, who needs to be heard by people. Because everyone is not alone. Most of us is dealing with the same problem I'm going through, but not in the same way or affection i should say. So poetry is a way to express how i feel when i don't have the guts to talk about it, it's a way to claim my emotions down. So i hope everyone gets how i feel please put you're feet in other people shoes/

Because I'm Black

Because I'm a black female I'm suppose to be pregnant by now right? But the only thing I decided to do is write because I'm a black female I'm suppose to watch what I say Because it might determine rather I live or die today Because I'm a black female I get pushed to the side and to hold in all my pride I'm also told that I'm not smart or I'm dumb or I don't have a bigger role But how when I striving to get honor roll People look at me differently because the color of my skin Will it make you feel any better if I blend it in? Now you may look at me and determine that I'm only African American But just maybe if you look down in my history you're actually Find I have a little Italian Because I'm a black female I'm supposed to be ghetto But once you get to know me I'm actually kind of smooth Maybe if you say hello you get an idea that I'm not actually ghetto What about when I get fed up and finally snap But instead I hold my peace continue forward to all the diversity But the diversity does not fear me Because who knows one day I might have a Master's degree Having all 48 credits and graduating from Harvard University Because I'm a black female I get treated differently I walk into a restaurant full of white people staring at me They stared with angrier as we try to find our seats While the waiter barely wants to make eye contact So it put our feelings in compact Does my rich melanin skin scare you? Does my natural thick curly hair fear you? Some say it's a mess but no baby I don't stress Because I express how I feel and no I do not steal Because I'm a black female we are told not to fight Not to be in the bright light but you can see deep down inside That we are not being treated right But then again who's gonna fight for our rights But one day I will rise and be in the flashing lights with these pearly white Standing up for what I know is right So when that day comes I will stand up for what I know is right Because I'm a black female and I have a voice And I have overcame everything by now so why stop ? Since I'm "supposed" to be pregnant by now right? My dream is like a child so therefore I'm talking all the custody I'm a women a man needs Not the women that needs a man

BLM ( We can't breath either)

How many more heart need to shatter Before we turn the page and start a new chapter Slavery was ABOLISHED They printed that in the news but the headlines I'm reading Show that, that is far from the truth Because people are still captive to their skin color Of which none of us can choose How much more blood needs to be spilled Will Smith said "Racism is not getting worse IT'S JUST GETTINF FILMED" That's because this is not the first time that a black person had been killed It's happened OVER and OVER and Over again They say repetition is like the definition of insanity So what is that saying? THIS WORLD IS BROKEN And it needs to change, this has been happening since The beginning of the age Since Abel and Cain They even killed Jesus when he came If I could take of my skin and leave it at the door And you couldn't see color anymore Would hearts be worth fighting for? I understand the thought that may cross some minds The thought of I don't need this in my life But if you lived in this age and time THEN YOU CANNOT NOT FIGHT It shouldn't be a privilege to have skin what is white And I recognize that if anyone of us stay silent then WE ALL LOSE THIS FIGHT Because ignoring it is as bad as conditioning and looking away the same Because at the end of the day when god calls your name What will you say? "God chose to look away" Because that probably won't cut I on judgement day And choosing not to take part is a choice But it will result in more broken hearts if we don't learn how to use our voice So I'm calling on every color to make some noise In the direction of Racism Now is not the time to be AFRAID or COMPLACTE Now is the time to stand on the same side as this statement BLACK LIVES MATTER Raise your hands to god Wave them like a banner And surrender to him because we cannot win this fight Separate from him The one that was killed 3 nails and a hammer He is more relatable than you might imagine Our god is a god of Color Born in the middle east He was not white as many may believe Jesus son of god they called him the prince of peace Something we know little about but desperately need This cannot become another forgotten headline This is the point where all need to rise and DRAW THE LINE So what does change look like in your mind? I believe the answers are in the word of god and have been there this whole time I may be wrong but I don't think that it is a lack if answers or not knowing what to do But a lack of action and application of the truth Jesus said this a new commandment I give to you LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS I HAVE LOVED YOU If you are a believer then this is the truth and it is this truth that we need to choose The bible says "God made from one man every nation" There is neither Greek nor Jew slave Nor free, male nor female So what do you see? I believe god is painting a picture of UNITY We need may not look at ourselves to find the answers But we must be compelled To take our chance on the god of LOVE, PEACE A SOUND MIND And to some this may not sound fine But if you don't believe in Jesus, then tell me this "DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE?' Because they are one in the same And for this reason Jesus cam to heal our weakness and set captive free We only need reminisce on our history to see the racism never ends happily We all know of a great man that once spoke of a dream LET THIS GENERATION BE THE ONE WHERE THAT DREAM IS FINALLY SEEN BLACK LIVES MATTER

I'm Learning How To Live

I am learning how to live In a new way Since that day You were taken away September 19, 2019 . I am learning how to live With the things left unsaid Knowing I got to say them With every tear that I shed. I am learning how to live By having the pain Knowing that you live on Through the memories that stays. I am learning how to live Knowing I will never again see your face And I have peace knowing You’re in a better place. I am learning how to live Knowing you’re in God’s care It gives me the strength to move on And makes the pain much easier to bear

I Wished

I wish I could give you many more years. I wish I could erase away all of your tears. I want to take a way all of your pain. I want to give you sunshine in the rain. May each new day be a perfect gift.  May love surround you, may your spirits lift. If someone had to describe you, so many words come to mind. Beauty and grace, a heart so kind. You're warmth like a blazing fire. You are wise with wisdom. You truly inspiring. You attract like a magnet of beautiful things. You sparkle and shine like a diamond ring. You light up a room when you walk in. If someone feels sad, you can make them grin. You are brave and charming. You know right from wrong. You are the melody from a beautiful love song. You are a breath of fresh air on a hot summer's night. When there is darkness, you turn on the light. I do not want these words to make you cry. I do not want to ever say goodbye. I believe miracles really do come true. No one deserves one more than you. Now you know how many lives you touched. I hope these words touch.


Happy Birthday Mother, You know I love you so dearly right? You been through a lot inside and out, me and my sister been you Child and your Bestfriend. We been with you through this emotion rollercoaster. But it was really worth it, Look where you stand. You have kids that loves you, family that needs you, and a girlfriend that ready to wife you up at any moment, now in this every moment I want to let everything that you been holding in, out with your emotion as I read a poem I made for you on your birthday. Our mother loves right from the start, No matter if her children are near or far apart. Our mother gives never ending love. She gives us comfort and peace like a beautiful dove. For us she will always do her best, Even when we put her patience to the test. She wipes our tears, Chases away our fears, Encourages us to follow our dream, No matter how far it may seem. Her gifts can never compare to any other. I am so honored to call her my mother. Looking back on another year, I was so lucky to have a mother so dear. She always know that I couldn't have asked for any other More incredible person to call my mother. Happy birthday I love you, Mom!

Let Go I'll Be Myself

Slowly been dying inside. Now I'm here. She brings me back to life. I was empty, but she filled me up With laughter, new ideas, and love. You disapprove. You say it's not true. Now you take away The only thing that keeps me from pain. School helps, but it's summer. Friends help, but you Took them away too. Now she is gone. Now I am back to empty. You can't help. So don't try. You say I look fine to me, but I'm really not. Why should I respect you anymore? Family is important, but I don't see one. Everyone fights too much to be one. I know you don't trust me. I want you to. I will not always listen to you. God will forgive me Though you say he will not. Your mistakes are not mine. Your shame is not mine. God loves you, I love you. We all love you; You just don't believe. I've tried to make our family work. I want us to stay together. It took all of the little heart I had. I can't make everyone happy But I will try to make me happy, Or I won't be of use. I rarely want to eat. I barely sleep. You worry about my safety. I know I am safe. I worry about my sanity. It's not just about her. It's about everything building. She takes away the pain. She cares though you say she doesn't. My priorities are fine. Don't judge me. God, School, Family are all important. Yet so are friends. So is my happiness. So is actually living. Not being a robot. Not hiding behind my mask. b I know I will not hurt myself. Take care of yourself. Each of us needs, To think about themselves. Think before we all shut down. Before we all collapse and burst. Shipping me off will keep the problems at peace Until I return. I will not get over her. We will continue to fight. I won't do anything. Then I will be worse. I won't have my friends. I won't have my family. I won't have school to distract. I will collapse. But I love you. I love my family. I love my God. I love my friends. These will not change. You used to think I was an angel. I told everyone. None listened. You know I will make mistakes. I am sorry for everything. I am sorry for what will happen. I can't change what has been. I know I disappoint. I am trying to find My purpose. My love. My life. My thoughts. I can't think the way you do. Teen love is supposed to be a myth. Yet I feel the way I do. I don't know what will happen. Things just seem to get worse. One day we will all be happy. I am not sure when. I love you so much. I won't be you I will be me. Let go.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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J.D. Bardo

Sun 25th Oct 2020 14:48

so far I have read "I wished" and "because im black", wow, very good. I will read them all as I get the time. I have many poems and short stories about race issues. all positive.I will post them as time passes. Too you I raise my glass and make a toast, from what I have read, you are better than most. check out my blog. and read "the skin we are in"

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