Rainy Kar
Updated: Sun, 7 Feb 2021 02:34 pm
I am just a teenager who expresses her feelings through her poems...
A Contrite Apology
I'm sorry for the times I yelled at you For the times I broke your faith; But believe me for the last time, I didn't mean to hurt you again. I'm sorry for the things I'd promised to do For the things that are left undone; But believe me, I've got no more time To share with you your pain. I'm sorry for leaving so sudden too, For leaving without you to heaven; But believe me I'll bless you sparing time, For not letting it go in vain
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
Blog entries by Rainy Kar
Part 2: Lost (03/03/2022)
Part 1: The Shadow Under The Light (02/09/2021)
17 Years Old (24/04/2021)
In The Moonlit Night (03/03/2021)
Snowflakes (28/02/2021)
Every Night Before I Go To Bed (07/02/2021)
Blog link: https://www.writeoutloud.net/blogs/rainykar
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