The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 32 days, 14 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Randall Eckstein

Updated: Sun, 29 Jan 2017 02:07 pm

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I began writing poetry just after High School, in 1997. I wrote fairly consistently until 2009, even self-publishing a book in 2008. After that, I slowed and eventually stopped writing. I'm interested in resuming the writing process. I found it very cathartic when I was writing daily, or at least weekly. Hopefully there will be something wonderful that comes from the dross of practice. :-) I am living in China, teaching English. The one thing about me that's different from every other English teacher over here is that I love grammar. It's part of my soul, I think. I'm very happy to comment on anyone's poetry with an analytical (and opinionated) eye - the word 'Poetic license' exists for a reason: anyone can write anything and be correct in doing so - and I eagerly welcome anyone else to do the same. I'll never be offended if you rip a poem of mine to shreds over tiny details. I hope to become a better poet for it.


The Flirt I worked myself up over you. I was in a frenzy, and I fell Head over heels for the light That shines heedlessly from you. I emptied my passion into a cup And had you drink it up. It was bitter, and it was sweet, And it brought half a smile to your lips. What I took for madness was just a play Performed for the delight of your Captivated audience, and you knew That the play had limits. I didn't. With burning eyes and burning touch I was scalded by the temperature Of your incandescence; Now I sit and relish that warmth. What farewells we did embrace, and how Embattled were our features; Though I worked myself up over you, I never really had a chance.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Audio entries by Randall Eckstein

Reply Requested (01/02/2017)

Time again (29/01/2017)

Inscrutable Intentions (26/01/2017)

My Pet, Death (24/01/2017)

Shadows (23/01/2017)

Do you want to be featured here? Submit your profile.


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Juan Pablo Lynch

Thu 26th Jan 2017 04:47

I really enjoy your work Randall. Something good definitely comes from the dross of daily writing. Thank you for your comments on my poems and I hope to hear more from you on them (critic me if needs be).

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Thu 12th Jan 2017 16:39

Welcome to WOL. I do like your photo, assuming it's you, with its aura of cheeky friendliness and humour.

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