The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 39 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.


Raoul works as a teacher, poet, and translator in Santa Coloma de Gramenet.

To our neighbour, Mr. John,

who each day from his doorstep eyes pale as milk ale shone us a grizzled welcome whose night screams woke us who burned for our unloved leaf shedder whose branches overhung his yard who we spied from our window sat atop one of its limbs swaying in dressing gown and carpet slippers who chose the kitchen cleaver for its bite, its resistence who bested that tree who didn't care for please or thank yous who, job done, shuffled back inside for lunch


The PK Poets (1: Raoul Izzard/ second series) publication date: Sep 4, 2020 publication description: Poetry Kit The PK Poets is a series of free to print poetry leaflets highlighting the poetry of a single poet. It is intended to be a sample introduction to the work of a poet. The Poetry Kit is a free online resource for poets listing competitions, events, open floor events, online and print magazines. Quixotic Travellers: The Virgin and the Donkey publication date: 2018 publication description: PK Poetry list A Poet's Siddur: Stopping off at a street vendor on a snowy evening publication date: 2017 publication description: Ain't Got No Press A Poet's Siddur is Ain't Got No Press' and editor Rick Lupert's follow up to A Poet's Haggadah. This time 36 poets reinterpret the Jewish Friday night Shabbat liturgy with poems for a Shabbat service including work by beloved Canadian poet and singer/songwriter Leonard Cohen, the extraordinary Danny Maseng and many other poets and Rabbi poets. Flowers in the machine: SCIENCE 18/03/2009 subject X5 in natural habitat publication date: 2017 publication description: PK Poetry list Voices from the Cave: An anthology of poems about addiction and recovery: Reader, publication date: 2017 publication description: Revival Press, Limerick, Ireland This anthology was produced in cooperation and in partnership with the Mid-West Regional Drugs and Alcohol Forum. TRANSLATION experience JOURNALS Kenyon Review Online - One poem by Jordi Valls, The Wolf from ‘Mal’. (April, 2019) Every day poems - One poem by Jordi Valls, ‘Frost's roads’ from ‘Mal’ (June 22, 2017) Poetry Wales, Volume 53, Number 1. Two poems by Jordi Valls, Mother’s ‘Maiden Name’ and ‘The Current’ from ‘Mal’ (Summer, 2017) BOOKS HardPressed Dual Poets Reader: Three. A set of poems from ‘Mal’ and ‘Guillem Tell’ by Jordi Valls. (February 2019) PENDING The mysterious Isle A retrospective anthology of poetry by Jordi Valls that charts his career from the mid-nineties up until the present day. (TBD 2021)

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Raoul Izzard

Sun 3rd Jan 2021 16:49

You're welcome ?

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Raoul Izzard

Wed 6th Jul 2016 11:24

Thanks R Miller

<Deleted User> (13947)

Fri 1st Jul 2016 01:06

Thank you for like on Late Night Sadness xx

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