The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Red Button

Updated: Sun, 11 Sep 2022 01:33 pm


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Red Button Rants: Performance Poetry The Clown Bard of Bridgend, almanacker, ballad-monger, bad poet, prose writer & social commentator. The self styled Welsh William Topaz McGonagall Political; Punk & Clenched Fist Quirky ditties & doggerel a speciality. Most Recent Anthology of Clenched Fist Poetry here:


The moth with hobnailed boots Every night about half past ten there's tapping ont window It's the moth with hob nailed boots trying to find a weak spot before he parascends through shattered glass. Nowt will keep this tiger away from lamp He's kitted out with mess tin and webbing he's all camouflage and clobber obvious to the untrained eye that he's been on manoeuvres behind enemy lines afore. Some foolish person made the mistake of calling him a poor man's butterfly so he got his mates from the Pie and Light antennae down and they had a fight. Nobody messes with the moth with hob nailed boots. He's put some shifts in has this fella He's a bouncer at the ugly bug ball on Saturday nights he can sup a crate of ale and tell a hair raising tale he's afeared of no'one he's squatted a few humans in his time has the moth with hob nailed boots.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Audio entries by Red Button

Salisbury Scratch and Sniff (05/07/2018)

The Hobo from Hoboken (03/07/2018)

Black Betty by Huddie Ledbetter read by David Williams in the style of Sir John Betjeman (05/06/2018)

The moth with hob nailed boots (11/05/2018)

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