The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Ronnie Leek 1

Updated: Wed, 23 Mar 2016 02:07 pm


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Originally from Liverpool, I am an actor, writer, painter. poet. I have only been on the 'poetry scene' as it were since June 2015. But have enjoyed performing at various open mic's such as Wigan, Bolton Evidently Salford, First Draft Manchester, Bad Language Manchester. I was fortunate enough to guest at Working Title at Lancaster and also to be a finalist in the Word War 11 poetry slam.


Telly. After a long hard day of working I like to sit down and watch TV But I can't believe the LACK of quality that's fed through my flat screen. There's so much soap, you could bathe yourself in the depression of fictitious lives And dramas that cover every occupation you might apply for. From sex and drugs and bandage rolls, of life inside a hospital. To vets and pugs and goldfish bowls, of working with animals. There's bake offs and cook offs and cast offs and toss offs There’s twerk offs and jerk offs that make me want to switch off. Occasionally, they will broadcast a real, JEWEL IN THE CROWN But then, CELEBRITY LOVE ISLAND brings us crashing to the ground. There's a quiz where the winner has to achieve the lowest heart rate With medics on hand in case you hyperventilate News feeds that feed us starvation and famine… Are followed by footage of a dog, playing backgammon You’ve got pantomime villains stopping singers mid verse. And why DO we want to please the people who treat us the worst Then there's star baker. Master baker. Undertaker of the week I just can’t believe the demand for this. Our creative future looks bleak In another show, singers are chosen purely on how they sound But as soon as they see what you look like, you’re singing, Homewood Bound Another, where we watch people, watching other people on TV And bizarrely, the people WATCHING the people, have become celebrities Some programmes they try to sell to us as sociological experiments Where they lock up a crowd of fame hungry fools and deprive them of their benefits. They starve them; humiliate them, all as part of the game Pairing them with people diversely opposed and all this in Orwell’s name Supposed examples, role models to none, botoxed with pouting lips Are reduced to their basest, crawled on by rats, eating live insects on the promise of crisps JOE PUBLIC needs a reality check, as reality has become the yardstick The majority of programmes commissioned now are REALITY, starring JOE PUBLIC. WARHOL’S FUTURE has finally arrived, it's happening now - we're in it And unfortunately we’re ALL living his quote… Striving fame, for fifteen minutes.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.


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Laura Taylor

Tue 29th Mar 2016 10:38

Hi Ronnie

Many thanks for your note on Mothering Sunday :)

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Thu 24th Mar 2016 10:51

Welcome to WOL. You've made a huge impact on the Northern poetry scene already. Very impressive.

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