Sidra Shahid
Updated: Mon, 6 Nov 2017 10:55 am
I am a wanna be writer and poet. Ever since I was very young, I had always been good with words. Growing up, literature became more than just a hobby - it became a passion! I aspire to inspire and be inspired. I want some little girl or boy somewhere, one day, to say, 'I didn't give up because of this book' The ideas I hold close to my heart are feminism, racial equality, mental illness in youth and women empowerment. I hope I can be worth something some day! Fingers crossed.
"Gradual Descent in Life" Wasn't life easier when I was a bit younger! Someone else made my hair and even the sun shinned a bit brighter!! The most heartbreaking thing was my brother eating my chocolate, And the happiest moment was to drink coke in my favourite goblet! Things were a lot simpler when life was black n white, Good and bad were the only things I needed to understand before taking flight... The heart melting relief I had when i saw Tom catching Jerry, The hillarious laugh we all had, trying to imitate the movements of a jelly...! The only competition was to be taller than the others, Conquering the world was just in beating, in a game of arm wrestling, with my brother! The hardest thing was to pick up the cookie jar from the top cabinet, And even that was made easier when someone picked me up higher...! The thrilling excitement was in watching Beyblades on the edge of my seat, And feeling my heart race, as they said "let it rip!" I always felt sad when I couldn't understand Dora's spanish, But felt ridiculously strong, seeing Popoye eating his spinach! Things were easier when my hair was shorter, And every necessity could be bought with a quarter! The faking of sleep on the couch was my favourite thing, So that I would be carried to bed, in my dad's arm's swing! Life was as simple as colouring a black and white picture, And the unlimited happiness of getting a gold star on the knuckles!!! But now...!!!! Things have changed... I have grown older and now make my own hair, Even the sun doesn't seem to shine that brighter...! The chocolate, well I know now that it is always best to share, My favourite goblet is now broken and no one seems to care! Things are no longer black or white, Good or bad, right or wrong, complications have taken over every fight!!! The Tom n Jerry show no longer airs on my telly, Everything seems different, even the taste of that strawberry jelly!! The world that used to be under my feet, well it's now way over my head, My brother has moved away so I can't even have a fight of strength...! The cookie jar is still in the same cabinet, I can now reach it with my own bare hands, But i don't want to...! God knows the sweetness in the cookies was when someone else led it to my mouth... So now even the same old cookie jar, sitting in the cabinet has gone far south!!! The beyblades have broken, Dora has lost her monkey! And Popoye looks stupid, cuz well, spinach? It tastes bittery!! Now I can't fill colours in the blank sheets of paper, Cuz I know life doesn't work this way, the colours always fade away!! Things were a lot simpler when I was younger, And someone else was incharge of my wildly tousled hair!!! 'If Ever...' If I ever get shot to death, Don't go running after the man, Just let me go to rest And let the world forget! If I ever get shot to death, Just put flowers around my bed! Don't cry too much, just consider it fate, And pray that I didn't repent in my sins too late! Go to my room, take all my diaries, Burn them so that I remain in my boundaries! Don't ever let anyone read a single leaf, And let me help, my dignity, keep! Don't bother about any of my belongings, Just give them away to someone more needy! The posters on the inner side of my wardrobe, Well, just take 'em off, so that you can easily cope! Don't let my gramps go all dark n gloomy, Help him remember all the things about me shiny! There are some letters under one of my drawers, Give them to whom they are written for, don't let them know my flaws! If I ever get shot to death, Don't file a report for avenge! One human gone out of too many is not a loss, It's like a straw out of a field full of moss! Just let the man live with a guilt, To make him remember that he ruined the purpose for which he was built! But don't hold a grudge against his poor soul, For, everyone has a good in mind, even when doing wrong! If I ever get shot to death, Tell my friends I loved them, Tell them I would've been more loyal, Had life given me a chance! If I ever get shot to death, Don't hold a big funeral, Just tell the ones who have to know, And don't give people a gossip to plow! If I ever get shot to death, Remember me in my happiest self! All the good times we had, all the moments we shared, The times u believed me when I told u how much I cared! All the dreams I had, Well if I didnt get a chance, Try to fulfill them for someone who has! Tell my mama I loved her dearly, Even if I fought n cried n made her weary! Tell my dad if I had a chance, I would've atleast tried to make him proud! Tell all my brothers that they are worth the world, Even if I am unable to put it in words! Tell my sisters, older n youngers, That even when the world is dark n tries to play with your sensers, I will always be there, in their hearts Saying, "just get through the day!" If I ever get shot to death, Don't mourn too much, take care of your health! Tell my loved ones that they were loved Even if I couldn't say it, doesn't mean I didn't care! If I ever get shot to death, Just remember that I was relieved from life's disasterous tests!!! "Those Words Unsaid" They say what happens behind closed doors stays in closed doors, This phrase has made little girls too afraid to talk anymore! At the age of princesses and pirate ships, The 11 year old keeps a knife under her pillow and a silent prayer on her lips! At so young an age she has outgrown her dolls, As she had a glimpse of reality of this cruel harsh world! U see that man? Fixing his turban, combing his beard, He is going to the mosque to offer a prayer to the God they all shared! He looks so pious and nobel and nice, Hiding inside his heart, the most evil vice! What he did in those closed doors, stayed there for him indeed, As he knows that little girl is too scared to speak! When he touched her crimson cheeks and asked her to play with him, Showing him her lovely doll house, aah! she wanted to be friends with him! Little did she know about the wild and brutal soul he beared, And what he had in mind as he held her silky black plait! Her mother went out to buy some cookies to serve him with tea, Thinking that her little girl will be safe with that vicious beast! He said, 'If u tell someone, I will kill your mother!' Scared and confused, the little girl nodded in perplexed figure! 'Why are you so pale just like the snow?' Asked the mother worried about the thing she did not know! He gave her a glare that pierced through her, shattering her soul, Losing her speech, she managed to say, 'I am just tired from playing! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now she is twenty three, The age you fall in love with the pretty face of a man with chivalry! But everytime someone lays his hand on her shoulder, She stills, trembling in a frozen posture! Her 11 year old self is still haunting her, As she sees that man going to the mosque to say his prayer, Only she got the inside to him in her glare The burried knowledge of his filthy, soul shattering stare! The rest of the world doesn't know Because she was scared enough to bow! But as long as such pedophiles walk around, Receiving gratitude for their looks as they bow before God to the ground! The lives of little girls will be hanging by a thread, In the hands of those who were famous for their humble tread! "Rape" is a reality and it needs to be eradicated, To grant lives back to those girls whose bodies have been played with!! Until you have a solution to the hypocritic filth of this society, Millions of little girls will lose their innocence to those who have so called 'evident' piety!!!!! "Hues" I used to be yellow Just like sunshine, With eyes that sparkled Just like starlight! Pearls instead of eyes Were fitted in my sockets, My lips were like cherries Freshly picked in baskets! Then you came along and took me with you, You made me happier, excited and loved too! You were blue Just like the sky, A wide vast space For me to fly! We touched each other's hearts Like bull's eye by darts! You made me feel special, When you said i was pretty Then u promissed that my heart will be secured, In your heart was exactly where it belonged! So i opened myself up and gave myself up gave everything that i had I tried my best not to drive you mad! And then we were finally one, The rest of the world fell apart and only our souls won! I became the most beauteous of green, Like the grasslands and meadows upon which we leaned! Butterflies chased over my every little patch, And on me little ducks had their eggs hatched! Then i turned around to look at you Only to find that you, weren't there by me! My heart cracked in two, My eyes longing your face, to see! But you were gone forever for good, And had left me in the wilderness of the woods! As i was enjoying my favourite kind of green I realized that you just didn't like your zinc! All the promises you made lay by me in red, As i cry to myself on the empty bed! The tears from my eyes have turned my existance black, And i just lay there trying to escape from this sack! But then i said no more...! I will be my own hero and made the score! I dragged myself from the hole of your dreary memories, And went into the gray land of possibilities! Now i'm not as colourful as that green valley, Or as pretty as the painting in the gallery. But i am free from the pain of ur blood red marks I used to crave colours but now have found salvation in the darks! You used to say i was pretty In the colours that you would see But now i know that i am beautiful For i have found the pieces of me that got lost in chasing after u!!!
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
Blog entries by Sidra Shahid
The Girl in the Moon (09/01/2018)
Limits (09/01/2018)
The Breakup Poem (04/01/2018)
When they gave him the Nobel Peace Award (28/12/2017)
Wedding Night - what it will be for me (28/12/2017)
Ode to my upper eye lid (24/12/2017)
'That' girl! (22/12/2017)
Some Facts About Myself (08/12/2017)
"It" (28/11/2017)
My Dear Muse of Writing! (21/11/2017)
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You're worth a great deal right now. Otherwise, why would you write? So fulsomely and so passionately?
Thank you for commenting on my Untitled poem. I'm really glad you enjoyed it ?
Thank you Sidra for your generous comment regarding "Where did it go?". I think that you may be correct. ;- ) Tommy
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Tommy Carroll
Sun 24th Dec 2017 20:26
Thank you Sidra for that one word.
re 'Who holds the pen...'