hey anonymouss passer-by I am 5th teen running girl. Born with many arts as follows by time and time wanna know about me and my existence just read poems and Quotes You gonna get it along the era 21st .....<3..... >>>>
That *One* Breaks The Bond Between Heaven And Hell- Life....
Whenever I regret They feel me Great Taught to settle with betrayed They transform me from a girl- To fast moving Whirl. Who soon..... be able to rule over the world, As they made me- Dictator from a cowardly cage bird. They usurp my all gratitude >>&>> Made me feel that they all are my dude. Entry of wittiness in some heck friends Results in the heartbreak~ Due to collision There left no solution, 'nd I still misses Those moments of past And still that 'ONE' is trying to conquer Everything from First to last, Became the reason Behind whole Drastic blast!
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
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Tommy Carroll
Wed 13th Jan 2021 13:24
Re "Planning her Escape"
Indeed Mariyam,
Poverty and Domestic Abuse, which can follow financial difficulties.
Thank you.