The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Updated: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 09:40 pm

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Writing hasn't always been a passion of mine. I used tog et picked/bullied on so I use writing to vent. Over the years it has become a passion of mine. Please comment because I would to improve and hear your thoughts:) Thanks:)


Listen. Listen. Listen. Do you hear that? That sound? Its the sound of your beating heart. And theres a reason why it continues to beat. So, don't hurt yourself or end it because, someone has hurt you emotionally or physically. I say this because, I had also thought about ending my own life because, of others had hurt me. So, listen. Listen. Listen. Listen to me when I say this. When I say that you are important; that you are meant to live and soar with the wings you were given. (pause) Listen to me. Don't listen to them. LISTEN

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Tommy Carroll

Sat 29th Nov 2014 01:00

Hi. In response to your invitation to help re your work, I would avoid stock phrases such as "beating heart" and "soar with the wings etc". Avoid at all costs (joke) and you will find a truer voice. Tommy

<Deleted User> (13139)

Sun 9th Nov 2014 11:23

gday love. my names rhys, just made a profile myself i really liked this, ive got a friend that went through some rough times, id like to know if youre ok with me sending this to her?

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Graham Sherwood

Fri 24th Oct 2014 22:55

Hello Crystal ,
Yes the counter records the number of times someone has looked at your page.



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Graham Sherwood

Wed 22nd Oct 2014 11:21

Hello again Crystal. Just a short message to let you know about the way the blog pages work.
Only the most recent entry will be shown on the blog page, all previous ones will be archived. So if you put several on in one go, only the last one will remain visible without sorting through the older ones.
Basically if you are looking for comments, it is usual for the most recent one to be seen more easily and attract comments, the older ones less so.
I hope this helps!

very best regards, and welcome once again.


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